Curriculum Design Day 5 Meeting challenges in curriculum improvement Interdisciplinary learning
“Leading with vision, inspiration and integrity.” Quality Scotland 2015
Learning at Landau – transformational change
No set breaks No bells No teacher desks Longer days Learning sessions, not lessons Two week holidays, shorter summer breaks Learning walls, not displays Students, not pupils College, not school
A ‘learning organisation’ Learning ‘how to learn’ A learning ‘culture’ Habits of effective learning Deeper, productive learning ‘It’s ok to find things hard’ ‘We look forward to getting you stuck’ ‘Limitless thinking’ Student learning coaches Creative therapy
An average 4 year old asks on average 274 questions in a day What happens when they get to school?
Aims Day 5 To give you the opportunity to explore with each other the small innovative changes that can make a big difference. For us all to reflect on our approaches to interdisciplinary learning and to start to plan a way forward. TO GIVE YOU TIME TO TALK.
Success criteria A successful outcome might be that: You leave with at least one idea for making a small innovative change in your setting that could make a big difference; You commit to trying the idea out; You know what your priority is in improving the quality of interdisciplinary learning in your setting. You commit to improving one aspect of IDL.
The three ‘W’ questions W hat are we doing? W hy are we doing it? W here is taking our children in their learning?
The three ‘H’ questions H ow are we doing? H ow do we know? H ow are we going to improve?
Interdisciplinary learning Rewind: The Guide 2009 Rapid and constant change and transformation A need for flexible, creative, innovative citizens Four capacities as an organiser for IDL Relevant, challenging, enjoyable experiences within stimulating contexts that deepen understanding and brings cohesion to learning. Ensures progression of skills Provides opportunities to apply learning or encouter new learning in context Clarity about the purpose of IDL underpinned by strategic planning Two approaches: Interdisciplinary Challenge / Storyline
Interdisciplinary learning Rewind: Our Expectations and Aspirations in At least 3 interdisciplinary learning opportunities across each school session By , a minimum of 25% curricular time being spent on IDL Learning should be contextualised and links made between the classroom and the world of work. Pupils should have vocationally oriented curricular experiences from the earliest opportunity. How relevant are these expectations now? In what ways have we moved on in our thinking?
Interdisciplinary learning CfE Action Plan : School and cluster curriculum planning groups continue to plan for the staged introduction of IDL P5-S3 : School and clusters begin to introduce IDL within P5-S3 as per cluster Expectations and Aspirations. : School and clusters continue to develop IDL as above. : Schools and clusters ensure that all pupils are experiencing IDL in line with cluster Expectations and Aspirations. Schools and clusters to develop IDL learning at additional stages. Each session: Schools and clusters evaluate the impact of IDL for learners and develop as appropriate. Have developments progressed as above? What have been the challenges? Do we need to think in a different way?
Interdisciplinary learning The Guide 2009 Four capacities as an organiser for IDL What do you use as whole school organisers for IDL? Relevant, challenging, enjoyable experiences within stimulating contexts that deepen understanding and brings cohesion to learning Rate your IDL programme on HGIOS scale 1 – 6 in relation to this statement and say why. 1 unsatisfactory 2 weak 3 satisfactory 4 good 5 very good 6 excellent Ensures progression of skills How does your IDL programme ensure progression of k/u and skills? Provides opportunities to apply learning or encounter new learning in context What is the balance in your establishment and how do you know? Clarity about the purpose of IDL underpinned by strategic planning What is your strategy for whole school planning of IDL? Two approaches: Interdisciplinary Challenge / Storyline To what extent does your programme for IDL present problems, issues or design briefs for learners to work through? Or allow learners to create settings, invent characters and explore related incidents?