ICT Mr Farmer
Ground Rules Listening This is an important skill. You need to listen to me and to each other. Help I am here to TEACH you. Not to do it for you. When your stuck: Try again Ask the Internet Ask a friend Then ask me by putting your hand up Mobile Phones & MP3s With my permission only. Otherwise they will be confiscated! Respect This room, my equipment and each other.
Classroom Rules Sit on your chairs properly No chewing gum – it doesn’t mix well with carpet Bags under desks Only print when you really need to All waste paper in the recycle bins
Seating Plans and Groupings Every class will have a seating plan These will be set in the next week or 2. You will also be part of 3 groups Number Colour Friendship Example Seating Plan
Log in Create a STRONG Password? At Least 8 Characters Combination of capital and lowercase Numbers Characters Think of a word that you will remember schoolrocks = 5ch001R0ck5!1 Change the number on the end each time.
Organisation Make sure your folders are organised You should have each of your subjects – e.g. ICT Inside your subjects should be year groups – e.g. Year 8 Inside your year folders should be units – e.g. Unit 8.1 SAVE EVERY DOCUMENT WITH A RELEVANT FILENAME! Check your works correctly I am stephen.farmer you will need this when ing me.
The Wiki I will use this to store relevant information while we wait for the VLE. It is on the whiteboard and on posters around the room.
St James Voice Or Google ‘St James Voice’ Log in Edit your profile Information - Friends Picture – Keep it sensible – Web cam if you like Status – The Wire Join your group Make Friends Rules! – 3 strikes and your out