Lesson 19 Simple Tenses- Present Tense
Present Tense of a verb shows that the action is happening NOW or that is happens OVER AND OVER Present Tense Singular Subjects (he, she, it, or a singular noun) Rule -Most Verbs -Verbs ending in –s, ss,sh,ch,x,z -Verbs ending in a consonant + y -Add –s -Add –es -Change y to an I and add –es
Present Tense for Be and Have SubjectForms of BeForms of Have I He, she, it, or a singular noun We, you, they or a plural noun Am Is are Have Has had
People (visit, visited) unusual museums. Many small towns (will feature, feature) quirky places for the curious. One museum (specialized, specializes) in postcards. Old locks and keys (capture, captured) people’s attention in Terryville, Connecticut. Application:
A verb must agree in number and person with its subject. Use a singular verb with a singular subject and a plural verb with a plural subject. Always use a plural verb with you. Twenty vacationers (climb, climbs) aboard the bus. The tour (take, takes) them around the country. Mrs. Jessup (like, likes) the Elephant building best. Dr. Fern and his wife (favor, favors) the big mushroom building. Subject/Verb Agreement Easily Confused Verbs
Some verbs will be easily confused….. My neighbor (rises, raises) early each morning. For part of the day, the sightseers (set, sit) in the bus. Please (take, bring) this note to the front office.
Eager—when you are eager to do something, you are enthusiastic about it and very interested in it. Neglected—When something has not been given proper care or attention, it has been neglected. Severe—something that is very serious, very harsh, or very strict is severe. Lesson 19 Vocabulary
Beloved—you feel great love and affection for someone or something that is beloved. Demolished—when a building has been torn down or knocked down, it has been demolished, often because it is old and dangerous. Vocab--Continued
Humongous— something that is extremely large in size or amount is humongous. Abandoned—something that has been abandoned has been left vacant or uncared for. Vocab….