1 The Value of Best Practices from Communities of Practice to the Federal CIO Council Brand L. Niemann (US EPA) Secretariat, Best Practices Committee (BPC), Federal CIO Council July 12, 2007
2 Preface The CIO Council is working on changes to: –Comply with FACA; –Eliminate the “cottage industries” that have sprung up around activities like Enterprise Architecture; and –Align activities with the new Strategic Plan for FY : Plan pdfhttp:// Plan pdf –Note: CoPs wrote the Strategic Plan!
3 Communities of Practice What's the purpose? –To develop members' capabilities; to build and exchange knowledge. Who belongs? –Members who select themselves. What holds it together? –Passion, commitment, and identification with the group's expertise. How long does it last? –As long as there is an interest in maintaining the group. William Snyder, Building Communities of Practice. Excerpted from the article "Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier" in the Harvard Business Review, January-February
4 Communities of Practice The BPC has five Communities of Practice that support CoPs mentioned in the following: –CIO Strategic Plan FY (See slide 2). –Federal Transition Framework: –Data Reference Model 2.0: –Leadership for a Networked World: The Next Frontier of Shared Services in the Public Sector, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, May 29–31, 2007: storage/view/Shared_Services_Agenda.pdfhttp:// storage/view/Shared_Services_Agenda.pdf –Getting Started in Cross-Boundary Collaboration: What State CIOs Need to Know (NASCIO): CrossBoundaryCollaboration.pdfhttp:// CrossBoundaryCollaboration.pdf
5 Purpose The BPC Leadership has requested we summarize the value of best practices from Communities of Practice for the CIO Council’s Executive Committee as follows: –Clay Johnson requested the BPC both identify and develop new “best practices” at the CIOC Meeting, January 17, –BPC Co-Chair, George Strawn, proposed a new “best practices process” at the BPC Meeting, March 19, 2007 (see next slide). –BPC Secretariat, Brand Niemann, successfully piloted this new “best practices process” at the SICoP Special Conference, February 6, See bin/wiki.pl?SICoPSpecialConference_2007_02_06http://colab.cim3.net/cgi- bin/wiki.pl?SICoPSpecialConference_2007_02_06
6 “Best Practices Process” 1. Request for Best Practices: A way for CIOs and their friends to ask for help from other agencies (and others) as to what are best practices in a given activity. 2. Requests for Best Practicers: Present to the Best Practice Committee (as we have been doing). 3. Capture These Presentations: The audio/video as well as the materials that we already capture and make available over the Wiki. 4. Facilitate Access to and Awareness of These Materials: RSS and perhaps other techniques. Suggestion by BPC Co-Chair, George Strawn on a "Best Practices" Process, March 19, 2007: bin/wiki.pl?BestPracticesCommittee_2007_03_19#nid3F4Nhttp://colab.cim3.net/cgi- bin/wiki.pl?BestPracticesCommittee_2007_03_19#nid3F4N
7 Examples March 19, 2007, BPC Meeting, Steps Toward a Science of Service Systems, Jim Spohrer, et al, IBM Almaden Research Center, IEEE, January 2007, pp : –Invited to participate in the Service Research and Innovation Initiative (SRII): –Invited to provide a Case Study on the Federal CIO Council for SRII’s Technology Services Research & Innovation Symposium, May 30th, Santa Clara Convention Center, California: 30/BNiemannSSRI dochttp://colab.cim3.net/file/work/BPC/ /BNiemannSSRI doc –Participating in “becoming a service system” in our monthly BPC meetings: bin/wiki.pl?BestPracticesCommittee_2007_07_16http://colab.cim3.net/cgi- bin/wiki.pl?BestPracticesCommittee_2007_07_16
8 Example April 17, 2007, Collaborative Expedition Workshop #60, at NSF (Organized Jointly by the AIC & BPC): –A collaborative discussion on: The Process Enterprise; Best Practice and Standards; Management Change and Culture; Process Improvement and Enterprise Architecture: Linking Process to Enterprise Goals - Ken Orr (The Ken Orr Institute) Standards and Best Practices for Process Improvement - Francois Coallier (Professor and International Chairman of the Joint ISO and IEC Subcommittee) Cultural and Management Issues - George Strawn (NSF CIO) Tying Enterprise Architecture and Process Improvement - Dick Burk (OMB Chief Architect) Enterprise Architecture on the Fault Line - Tom Koulopoulos (Author, Futurist, Leader) Break-Out Sessions - Organizing for Creativity, Credible Agreements, and Joint Action bin/wiki.pl?ExpeditionWorkshop/Achieving_High_Enterprise_Performance_By_Connecting_ProcessImprovement_KM_And_EA
9 Examples May 6-8, 2007, Spring Government CIO Summit: –Invited by Paul Mc Closkey (FCW) to help organize the conference. –Presentations: Government by Wiki: A Guided Tour (Brand Niemann) From Stovepipes to Wind Chimes: Linking Intergovernmental Communities (Susan Turnbull) –Created Demonstration Wiki Page for Conference: bin/wiki.pl?GovernmentCIOSummit_2007_05_0608http://colab.cim3.net/cgi- bin/wiki.pl?GovernmentCIOSummit_2007_05_0608 –Assisting Canadian Government with implementing these “best practices”.
10 Examples April 16, 2007, BPC Meeting, Summary of March 14-15, 2007, Conference on Best Practices for Open Source, Open Standards, and Open Architecture in Government by the Organizers: –Based on DoD Open Technology Development Program. Introduction by the Association for Enterprise Integration. –Related to December 12, 2006, Collaborative Expedition Workshop #56, Toward a Transparent Acquisition Marketplace for Increased Mission Agility with Open Technology Development. –Piloted New WebCast Technology: See use at DoD EA Conference at
11 Examples June 18, 2007, Request to contribute to article for Federal Computer Week about the best practices in the Federal IT community (Chris Dorobek, Editor): –Would like Best Practices Committee input for a story we are doing on… well, best practices. It seems like it is an opportunity for the CIO Council to talk about the work it is doing in this area. See next two slides for questions.
12 Examples June 18, 2007, Request to contribute to article for Federal Computer Week about the best practices in the Federal IT community (Chris Dorobek, Editor) (continued): –1. What do people think is wrong/right with the best practices concept? –2. Can best practices transfer from one situation/agency to another? –3. Are communities of practice reviving and improving the best practices concept? –4. Is better sharing of best practices occurring through wikis? –5. Are there certain problem areas in which the federal IT community is especially interested in formulating best practices?
13 Examples June 18, 2007, Request to contribute to article for Federal Computer Week about the best practices in the Federal IT community (Chris Dorobek, Editor) (continued): –6. Why isn't the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework of best practice approaches for delivering high- quality information technology services more of a factor than it is in the federal government? For example see Best-Management-Practice Website Created by the British Government (Office of Government Commerce): – –7. Should adherence to best practices be mandatory if best practices exist? Should they be built into contracts? –8. Should agencies be liable for not following best practices if best practices in a certain area are well known?
14 Examples June 18-19, 2007, Toward More Transparent Government, Workshop on eGovernment and the Web, United States National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, USA: –Invited by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to help organize the conference. –Keynote by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. –Sessions on SICoP and SOA CoP work. –Follow on Workshop on “RDF Access to Relational Databases” (October 25-26, 2007) relates to improving access to “deep web” government information and piloting the FFATA. See
15 Examples IT Performance Management CoP (ITPM): –Pat Plunkett has served as co-chairman since its inception in August 2000 as a subcommittee under the Capital Planning Committee with many accomplishments! –Value to the Federal CIO Council (see slide 16): 16/PPlunkett dochttp://colab.cim3.net/file/work/BPC/ /PPlunkett doc Capital Planning & Investment Control/Portfolio Management CoP (CPIC/PM): –Recommendations to OMB on improvements that would strengthen the A-11 IT sections (May 14, 2007): 14/CPIC_PMCConsensusimprovementstoA11.dochttp://colab.cim3.net/file/work/BPC/ /CPIC_PMCConsensusimprovementstoA11.doc –Value to the Federal CIO Council (see slide 17): 16/SSimon dochttp://colab.cim3.net/file/work/BPC/ /SSimon doc
16 How the IT PM CoP Creates Value Performance Management CoP Conduct Meetings Post to Wiki page Share Knowledge Development and use of performance measures Managing performance Align IT to Mission Results More useful Performance Measures Better Agency Business Cases Business & IT Strategy Aligned Greater Agency Results Improved IT Mgmt Knowledge of Managers & Staff Increase
17 How the CPIC/PM CoP Creates Value CPIC/PM CoP Conduct Meetings Post to Wiki page Share Knowledge Develop and use more effective CPIC practices Manage investment Align portfolio to optimize Mission Results Greater Agency Results Knowledge of Managers & Staff Increase Better Agency Business Cases Business & IT Strategy Aligned Improved IT Mgmt
18 Examples Spatial Ontology CoP (SOCoP): –Supports Geospatial Line of Business with use of ontologies for distributed data models and applications (e.g. Google Earth). –Presentation at June th W3C Workshop Toward More Transparent Government Workshop on eGovernment and the Web explains SOCoP activities and its use of a Semantic Wiki: –Pursuing liaison with ISO TC 211 on a new work item Geographic information: Ontology (stage 0) - led by Dr. Jean Brodeur of Canada. –Supporting the NIST Sensor Standards Harmonization Work Group (SSHWG) with geospatial ontologies in cooperation with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).