Elements of Art & Principles of Design
Elements of Art Form Line Shape Color Texture Space Value
Line A continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point 2D = pencil mark 3D = wire Implied = series of unconnected points that cause your eye to create a line Outline or Contour
More lines!
Shape Enclosed space defined by other elements of art. Usually 2D Can be 3D (but used as a general term)
Shapes- 2 Types Organic or Geometric
Form 3D Encloses Volume, as a kind of “visual weight” Examples: Cubes, Spheres, Cylinders
Color Has 3 Properties: 1.Hue- the name of the color 2.Intensity- brightness or dullness 3.Value- lightness or darkness
Color - Intensity
Color & Value
Texture Refers to the surface quality or “feel” of an object Roughness or smoothness Hardness or softness Texture can be felt in 3D works or “implied” in visual/2D drawings, paintings or photographs
Texture Actual & Implied
Space The distance or area between, around, above or within things It can be a description of both 2D & 3D works
Space Both Positive & Negative Space are important!
Value Describes the darkness or lightness of a color. Value is needed to express Volume
Value makes Volume =
Principles of Design Emphasis Balance Harmony Variety Movement Rhythm Proportion Unity
Emphasis Developing points of interest to pull a viewer's attention (“focal point”) Or thematic emphasis= focusing on one idea or theme
Balance Sense of stability Can be created by repeating shapes or repeating the feeling of weight within a work 3 Types of Balance: Symmetrical, Asymmetrical & Radial
Balance – 3 Types Symmetrical & Asymmetrical & Radial
Harmony Using similar elements throughout the work. Gives artwork an “uncomplicated” feel
Variety Using different shapes, textures, colors & values
Movement Adds excitement to work by showing action and direction. Moves viewer’s eye throughout work
Rhythm A type of movement Seen in repeating shapes and colors Alternating light and dark shapes also creates rhythm Also called Pattern or Repetition
Proportion Also called Scale Refers to the relationships of size of objects in a work Smallness & largeness
Unity The parts equal a whole Elements of Art tie everything together. No confusion
What Elements of Art do you see?
What Principles of Design do you see?