Excellence Investigation and Selection AS90033 Apply a decision-making model to produce a solution to a given brief – Version 3
Student A
Commentary The investigation has very detailed commentary and analysis of logos referring to both the given specifications and target audience. The subsequent font analysis ties in previous investigation and discussion regarding theme, and colours etc. This ongoing evaluation, in relation to the brief, is continued throughout the process with the analysis of CD Covers 1 and 2. It is noted that although the selection reasons are relatively brief, the preceding detailed analysis aids in clarifying why selection choices have been made. The student also notes that there are good elements in both designs and recognises that to make a decision of one or another would compromise the quality of the final document. In effect, the final choice selection incorporates elements from both options.
Student B
Commentary The brief that this student had was to create an International Student Department Logo for their school which was to appear on various publications. This student begins the investigation by referring to the brief and the specifications and acknowledging that a logo has to be produced (of an appropriate size) which will affect the choice of font chosen. There has been some detailed commentary provided and reasoned analysis for each of the fonts investigated with a summary that ties in theory with the choice made. This exemplar has been selected as it highlights that when investigation occurs, the question needs to be asked “So what?” What has been learned from this investigation that will assist me with completing the brief. Having a concluding paragraph that summarises the investigation and says how the investigation will be used is an excellent way of showing the link between subsequent selections. This same process is carried out with the analysis of colours and images/graphics. The final analysis is of existing logos. The commentary is again very detailed and this analysis ends with some conclusions relating to all the investigation which will be applied to the thumbnail sketches that follow.
It is important that there is some link between the investigation and the subsequent conceptual designs that follow to show that the decision-making model is being applied. The ‘selection’ part of the decision-making model is a discussion about the three designs – their strengths and weaknesses – which also incorporates some regard for design principles. The final selection, although not long, acknowledges that there may be some problems in recreating the image. It is noted that the previous detailed commentary allows this student’s final selection to be brief. The student has also explained why the other design ideas were not chosen. This is important in the awarding of an Excellence grade.
Merit Investigation and Selection AS90033 Apply a decision-making model to produce a solution to a given brief – Version 3
Commentary This student has done comprehensive investigation into various components that will be incorporated into the final design. There are some comments that indicate that the student is thinking about the specifications and suitability for the brief eg ‘it certainly portrays the idea of internationalism, however, because of its limited readability at a small font size and its one-sidedness, it is not a suitable option”. The student has also incorporated theory regarding logo design and colour when assessing whether a particular item is suitable. These ideas have been developed into the three thumbnail sketches that have been produced. These sketches have been evaluated with their strengths and weaknesses and a decision made as to the design of choice and why the other two were not chosen. Giving reasons why alternative designs are not suitable is an indicator of a higher achieving candidate. This student could have reached Excellence if the commentary for the font, colour, image and logo were more in-depth and spoke about how the different elements, if selected, worked together. Some elements of all three designs appear to have had considerable strengths and this student may have benefited by not limiting his choice to one design, but taking aspects of each that would culminate in a superior final product.