Art 7 Today you need your Art Binder and something to write with.
The design principles are guidelines to assist in organizing the elements into a composition.
Balance Contrast Movement Emphasis Pattern Repetition Rhythm Scale and Proportion Unity Variety
The appearance of evenness in a design. There are two different types of balance:
Symmetrical Balance When divided in two, both halves of a design match or are very similar. Asymmetrical Balance Both sides of a design do not match, but are still visually balanced.
The use of the design element value. A range of black and white.
The path of the viewer’s eye as it is directed over the surface of a design. The artist controls movement through the placement of elements, especially line.
Attention is drawn to one or more parts of the design. The artist may create a focal or use contrast to create emphasis.
The systematic repetition of elements. Stripes and checkered are examples of
When two or more design elements are repeated.
What is being repeated in this image?
The repetition of elements that create a visual “beat”. Ex: big, small, big, small, big, small
Scale refers to an objects size in relation to normal.
Proportion refers to size of parts of objects in relation to the whole.
A sense that the parts belong together, making a coherent whole.
Variation of elements within a design. Variety provides interest.