PIHOA’s Career Epidemiology Field Officer Supporting Epidemiology Preparedness in the Pacific Islands Thane Hancock MD MPH Field Services Branch Division of State and Local Readiness Office of Public Health and Preparedness and Response PIHOA Board Meeting March 11, 2015 Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Division of State and Local Readiness
Thane Hancock: Background Grew-up on the Big Island of Hawaii Older adopted brother from neighboring islands of Yap (Ulithi) Spent first summer on Ulithi at 14 years old Education: Amherst College (BA Anthropology); University of Hawaii (MPH, MD. & Family Med) Work: Yap (2006-2011), CDC (2011-2013), Yap (2013-2015) Family: Married to a Yapese, one 2 year old son February 2015, new USAPI Career Epidemiology Field Officer
Chief, Field Services Branch Division of State and Local Readiness Career Epidemiology Field Officer Supporting Epidemiology Preparedness in the Pacific Islands Randolph Daley, DVM, MPH Captain, USPHS Chief, Field Services Branch Division of State and Local Readiness PIHOA Board Meeting August 12, 2014 Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Division of State and Local Readiness
Public Health Concerns in the Pacific Diseases Infectious — Measles, Chikungunya, Dengue, Leptospirosis, Hansen’s Disease, TB, Influenza Chronic — Heart disease, Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer Environmental Health Natural disasters — Typhoons, Tsunamis Food and water safety Surveillance System Development Population Movement Human resources for health Recent outbreaks: Measles, Chikungunya Atypical diseases (US): Malaria, Dengue, Hansen’s Disease Pandemic potential: influenza Travelers from Asia can move freely into USPI; USPI residents can move freely into the US
Career Epidemiology Field Officer (CEFO) Program Created in 2002 in response to attacks of 9/11 Mission — strengthen epidemiologic capability for public health preparedness and response Assigns CDC epidemiologist to health departments Funded through CDC’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement CDC created the Career Epidemiology Field Officer (CEFO) Program in 2002 in response to the attacks of September 11th and the subsequent anthrax incidents. The mission of the CEFO program is to strengthen state, local, tribal, and territorial epidemiologic capability for public health preparedness and response. The CEFO Program is dedicated to facilitating epidemiologic and scientific support of preparedness activities in state and local programs. To achieve this mission the program assigns a CEFO, a CDC staff epidemiologist, to a health department to strengthen epidemiologic capacity. CEFOs are funded through CDC’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement to assist states in meeting PHEP Capability 13 (Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiologic Investigation)
CEFO Activities Strengthen local surveillance systems Conduct outbreak investigations/response Provide expertise on epidemiologic studies and community assessments Support workforce development in epidemiology Build partnerships for emergency preparedness Serve on emergency response teams: including planning, exercises, and response activities Examples of CEFO activities include •• Strengthening state and local surveillance systems •• Conducting outbreak investigations •• Developing response plans for major public health emergencies •• Building partnerships with government agencies and other organizations for emergency preparedness •• Serving as liaisons to CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services response teams •• Leading portions of a state’s planning and response activities for pandemic influenza •• Leading or participating in federal, state or local emergency response exercises •• Providing expertise on the design, implementation, and analysis of epidemiologic studies
CEFO for the Pacific Islands Concept Pacific Island Health Officers Association (PIHOA) Regional approach Concentration of CDC staff Direct CDC funding Pilot of alternative funding model National health security Collaborative direction
CEFO for the Pacific Islands Challenges Multiple Jurisdictions Assessment of risk and needs Collaborative prioritization from PIHOA Board Regional projects Planned activities in all jurisdictions Enhancement of jurisdictional staff Travel Dedicated funding Collaboration with other CDC programs Examples of CEFO activities include •• Strengthening state and local surveillance systems •• Conducting outbreak investigations •• Developing response plans for major public health emergencies •• Building partnerships with government agencies and other organizations for emergency preparedness •• Serving as liaisons to CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services response teams •• Leading portions of a state’s planning and response activities for pandemic influenza •• Leading or participating in federal, state or local emergency response exercises •• Providing expertise on the design, implementation, and analysis of epidemiologic studies
CEFO for the Pacific Islands Opportunities Experienced epidemiologist dedicated to the Pacific Islands Crosscutting approach across multiple disease areas Strengthen regional collaboration Attract additional resources Collaboration with regional partners Enhanced communication with CDC CDC fellowship programs Build regional capacity in epidemiology Examples of CEFO activities include •• Strengthening state and local surveillance systems •• Conducting outbreak investigations •• Developing response plans for major public health emergencies •• Building partnerships with government agencies and other organizations for emergency preparedness •• Serving as liaisons to CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services response teams •• Leading portions of a state’s planning and response activities for pandemic influenza •• Leading or participating in federal, state or local emergency response exercises •• Providing expertise on the design, implementation, and analysis of epidemiologic studies
CEFO for the Pacific Islands Work Done in First Three Weeks Supported an Environmental Health Team’s epidemiologic investigation into outbreak of foodborne illness Facilitator for the upcoming epidemiology regional training workshop (DDM) in Guam Connected health department with CDC subject matter experts to assist in an outbreak response Linked CDC with members of Micronesian community to inform/improve outbreak response in the US Heaps of Admin, including travel clearance…
CEFO for the Pacific Islands Work Plan Prioritization Based on PIHOA board recommendations Tailored for jurisdictional needs Emphasis on building capability in epidemiology: Systems improvement Work force development “Work yourself out of a job.”