California Integrated Waste Management Board Tire Flow Study Along the California-Mexico Border Region Special Waste Committee Meeting California Integrated Waste Management Board January 11, 2006
California Integrated Waste Management Board 2 Border Region Waste Tire Flow Study The California Integrated Waste Management Board’s 5 Year Waste Tire Management Plan Call’s for Border Outreach Activates SB 772, Ducheny. Border Region Waste and Used Tire Coordination (more on next slide) Funded at $75,000 a year for two years (FY’s 2005/2006 & 2006/2007) Partner’s with CIWMB in this Effort: –The State Water Resources Control Board’s Office of Borders Affairs; and –San Diego State University Foundation
California Integrated Waste Management Board 3 SB 772, Ducheny. Border Region: Requires CIWMB under the existing California Tire Recycling Act to coordinate with Cal/EPA to include but not limited to: –Training programs to assist Mexican Waste and Used Tire Haulers –Promote environmental training –Development of a waste tire abatement plan with appropriate government entities of California and Mexico –Tracking of both the legal and illegal waste and used tire flow across the border region –Coordination with the businesses operation in the border region and with Mexico to facilitate environmental and control requirements –The plan may not propose financial or other support that promotes, or provides for research for the incineration of tires
California Integrated Waste Management Board 4 Waste Tire Border Region Study Area State of California (USA) State Of Baja California (Mexico) State of Baja California Sur (Mexico) State of Sonora (Mexico)
California Integrated Waste Management Board 5 Waste and Used Tire Issues along the California-Mexico Border Region Waste and Used Tire Transport and Storage Concerns Along the California- Mexico Border Region Appears to be a large demand for waste and used tires from California in Mexico along the California-Mexico Border Region. Obtain Information on the number, size, and history of waste tire piles along the Border Region Possible environmental and economic liabilities as a result of this activity. Need to know the extent of the issue with supporting data and facts to help in making a determination as to what to suggest or recommend.
California Integrated Waste Management Board 6
7 Major Issues To Be Addressed How many Used and Waste tires are being transported and disposed of along the California-Mexico Border Need clear understanding of the environmental and economic impacts on California and Mexico as a result of border tire activities Need a clear methodology, data collection strategy, and understanding of the facts to make recommendations and suggestions.
California Integrated Waste Management Board 8 Overview by SWRCB’s Office of Border Affairs Claudia Villacorta
California Integrated Waste Management Board 9 Scope of Work Overview Development of Methodology Data Collection Assessment and Analysis Recommendations Reporting
California Integrated Waste Management Board 10 Methodology Work closely with Office of Border Affairs, Contractor, and CIWMB Develop methodology to be used to conduct each task Identify and approve task goals, costs and timeline
California Integrated Waste Management Board 11 Data Collection Estimate the number of used and waste tires transported into Mexico from California since 2000 Estimate the number of tires sold for reuse, and the number properly and illegally disposed of at landfills and dump sites and ultimate disposal locations Identify significant tire piles and dump sites in the CA-Mexico border region
California Integrated Waste Management Board 12 Data Collection Identify known environmental health hazards associated with waste tire piles in the CA-Mexico border region Describe tracking systems used for tracking the sale, import, and export of tires in California and Mexico Describe waste tire management regulatory framework in California and Mexico
California Integrated Waste Management Board 13 Assessment and Analysis Assess the economic impact of waste and used tire flow from California into Mexico: – cost to extinguish fires and remediate environmental, public health, and economic impacts shall a pile set ablaze – cost to remediate the environmental health threats associated with disease carrying vectors located in tire piles – Disposal costs and revenue generated from sale of used tires Identify and assess appropriate tire disposal alternatives in border region
California Integrated Waste Management Board 14 Recommendations Make recommendations regarding: – changes to the current California and Baja California waste tire policies, laws, regulations and procedures – potential markets for tire-derived products in Mexico. – appropriate tire disposal alternatives in the California-Mexico Border Region
California Integrated Waste Management Board 15 Reporting Contractor will be required to submit interim reports in draft form for review, comment and approval by CIWMB and SWRCB Office of Border Affairs staff Additionally, Contractor will submit a draft final and final report
California Integrated Waste Management Board Recommendation and Options 1. Approve the SOW and SDSUF as Contractor, and adopt Resolution Number Approve the Scope of Work, with specific modifications, approve SDSUF as Contractor, and adopt Resolution Number with any specific modifications. 3. Take no action at this time and refer the Item back to staff.