Jack’s Flat Stanley Visited His Grandparents in Monroe Center, Illinois
JACK’S GRANDPA WRITES… Good morning, I have gotten a letter and Flat Stanley from Jack to share with his classmates! First we will share pictures of Stanley here at home, but soon we will take him on a trip! We will send more pictures from our trip with Flat Stanley.
First, Flat Stanley helped feed Molly and Sammy some dog food.
Stanley also took a nap with Molly and Sammy.
Next he went to the Fire Station in Monroe Center with Grandpa. He got to sit in both the fire truck and the ambulance!
Then he went to the gymnasium and helped clean the floor with the Zamboni machine!
Jack’s Flat Stanley had a busy time in Monroe. He then traveled to Springfield, Illinois with Grandma and Grandpa. What do you think Stanley did in Springfield?
Stanley saw the capitol building where all of our state senators and representatives go to vote on the laws of our state.
Here’s Stanley at the speaker’s stand taking a look at the seal of the State of Illinois.
Can you see Stanley next to Abraham Lincoln?
We visited Lincoln’s boyhood home….
Stanley got to visit Lincoln’s family home too! Pretty cool !
Of course Stanley had to rub Lincoln’s nose at the cemetery where President Lincoln is buried.
It made Stanley a little sad to visit Lincoln’s tomb….
Happy Thanksgiving and Love from Grandma and Grandpa Manalli Flat Stanley liked the town where Abraham Lincoln grew up and he enjoyed exploring in the nice warm weather. He found out that they really love Mr. Lincoln in Springfield!