English 11
Apostrophe Definition: A digression in the form of an address to someone not present, or to a personified object or idea, as “O Death, where is thy sting?”
Dynamic Character Definition: One who changes in the course of a work. Example: In “Tuesday’s With Morrie”, Mitch changes throughout the course of the book. He changes from being unsure about himself to becoming more comfortable with his life.
Foreshadowing Definition: The use of clues to suggest events that have yet to occur. Example: In the novel “Of Mice and Men”, the author uses foreshadowing to give clues on what will occur later on in the book.
Imagism Definition: Literary movement that flourished between 1912 and Example: Poets rejected the ninetieth century poetic forms and wrote their own short poems that used ordinary language and free verse to create sharp, exact concentrated pictures.
Monologue Definition: A speech given delivered entirely by one person or character Example: President Lincoln gave a monologue in the “Gettysburg Address” speech.
Slant Rhyme Definition: rhyming sounds are similar, but not exact. Example: Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.