- Chazz Williams - _soldiers-union_confederate.GIF
There was secession. States rights and slavery split the nation. The United States had seceding states. Those states went to form the confederacy.
** The northern states were predominantly into manufacturing. The southern states were more agriculture and farming jpg ges/slaves%20picking%20cotton.jpg
In the north, slavery was forbade. In southern states all farms had slaves as workers. et/slavery/photographs/slave s.jpg om/women/tubman_sla ves.jpg
The Civil War officially began on April 12 th, The confederates attacked Fort Sumter. major-anderson-ft-sumter_Dir/civil-war-fort- sumter-picture.jpg
There was heavy battling for two days. No casualties were caused during battle. sumter-fire.jpg
The Union surrendered with no casualties. Two men did die though, during an accident. sumter-fire.jpg
The union states of the north were fighting the confederate states of the south. The union had 17 states with the 11 confederate states.
The Union army was in controll by Abraham Lincoln, the 16 th president. He was the president during the civil war. g
The confederacy was lead by Jefferson Davis. He raised a 100,000 man army to defend secession /jefferson-davis_medium.jpg
The confederacy had some help from the tropics, using ports to re supply. They were also allies with the British who were sympathetic and for the same cause for controll of the states. Britain supplied them in weapons, clothing, etc.
The Union had no alliances, even though the confederates had sympathy from Britain. The Union won in all.
The Confederacy had a few generals, but Jefferson Davis was elected the president. Generals: Brigadier General Beauregard General Robert E. Lee Major General W.H.C. Whiting General Robert F. Hoke General ‘Stonewall’ Jackson John B. Hood Joseph E. Johnston s94.gif
The Union was in control by Abraham Lincoln, the 16 th president of the U.S. Generals: Ulysses S. Grant General Sherman General Gordon Meade General George H. Thomas neralsII.jpg
April 12 th – April 14 th, 1861 Charleston Harbor, South Carolina Brigadier General Beauregard Leading confederates. Major Anderson for the Union Surrendered. major-anderson-ft-sumter_Dir/civil-war-fort- sumter-picture.jpg
July 21 st, 1861 The Occoquan River Brigadier General Beauregard with Colonel Jackson. Jackson help ground while Beauregard could get reinforcements. Earning the name “Stonewall” General Irvin McDowell in hopes of capturing Richmond, VA, failed and was forced to retreat. ntreville_heights.jpg
July 1 st – July 3 rd, 1863 General George Meade in charge of union. Lead troops to the Potamic river to fend off confederates. General Robert E. Lee was in command of the Confederacy. He lead his troops north towards Philadelphia. 3 Days of battle. 93,000 Union troops and 71,000 Confederates. civil-war/1863/august/gettysburg- battlefield.jpg
There wasn’t a big variation in weapons during the civil war. Mostly used was a musket rifle or a pistol. There were also swords and bayonets for closer range. yculture/images/case_55.jpg
With the Union winning the war, we banished slavery. With the Union winning the war, we banished slavery. It began the start of this country we have It began the start of this country we have now. The Future
The very last battle of the civil war ended with a surrender. General Lee was cut from supplies by the Union, and surrendered to Grant. Minor battles because of lack of communication afterwards. The End Lady_Liberty.jpg