Examples of Essential Questions
Time & Theme The Civil War with a Social Theme
Lesson Overview Students will understand the effects differing perceptions of identity across sectional lines contributed to the causes of the Civil War, and how these differences in identities (specifically between males) reflected differences in the culture at large. This lesson is part of a wider unit exploring the causes of the Civil War.
Understandings How perceptions of male identity differed across the sectional divide How personal identity reflected cultural differences between societies in the antebellum North and South How cultural differences contributed to the sectional tension that caused war How cultural differences fit into the greater historiography for causes of the Civil War How the media contributed to differing cultural identities.
Essential Questions How did male identity differ between North and South before the Civil War? To what extent did the media contribute to differing perceptions of identity across sectional lines? Should personal identity come from financial success?
Time & Theme The Cold War Era with a Social Theme
Overview Students will understand the effects of the Cold War on U.S. society, and how government policy and the cultural climate of conformity worked together against the perceived threats of Communism. This understanding will be encouraged by a number of activities catering to all learner types.
Understandings US domestic policy emphasized the differences between American and Soviet culture and lifestyles US use of religion as a weapon against atheistic Communism US support of religious foreign nationals as a way of combating Communism abroad The role different presidents played in the development of anti- Communist policy ( ) The Cold War as a “cultural war”
Essential Question Should religion play a role in U.S. government? To what extent are/should church and state be separate? How did the Cold War affect religious tolerance in the United States? How does the government affect religious enthusiasm in the United States? Should religion be used as a tool by governments to combat rival ideologies?