Figure 1. Five parks and boat launch areas along the Columbia River in Richland Washington.
Jim Keck 4401 Everett, West Richland, , Bill Fredrickson, Franklin County Weed Board, Lynn & Bev Koehlor, Owners of Columbia Park marina, 1601 Columbia Park Trail, Suite 103, Richland, Rachel Little, 415 Wine Country Rd., Prosser, 99350, *Keith Woods, 2020 Harris Ave.,Richland, WA *Gene Van Liew, 1425 Goethals Dr., Richland Tim Arntzen, Owner of Columbia River Journey's, PO Box 26 Richland
Method Comparisons Method $ Cost $PermitDuration/Success Rate Bottom Barrier /sq. ft. Yes (HPA-WDFW) Depends on growth & sediment rates max 1 year, cover < 50% of area Cutting Yes (Illegal in Wa.) Harvesting 750/acre Yes (HPA-WDFW) 30 – 60 Days Mechanical1000/hour Yes (HPA-WDFW) temporary, repeat 2-3/season Hand-Pulling500 – 2400/day Yes (HPA-WDFW) More than 1 season if complete removal of plant and roots Rotovation /acre Yes (HPA/DOE/Cty Planning/WDNR) 2+ seasons Chemical ,000/acre Yes (EPA/St.Agric) Typically one season, closed system Biological (carp)10/fish 10+/acre Yes (WDFW) 2-3 years for noticeable results, restock every 5-10 years
Aquatic Plant Control Alternatives Aquatic Herbicides Manual Methods Diver Dredging Bottom Screens Biological Control Rotovation, Harvesting, and Cutting Physical Methods Hand-pulling/cutting/Bottom barrier application/Water-level drawdownWatershed controls/Water column dyes Mechanical Methods Harvesting and cutting/Bottom tillage (rotovation)/Diver-operated dredging Biological Methods Grass Carp/Biological control/Ecological Restoration Chemical Methods Fluridone/Glyphosate /Endothall / Copper compounds