From your reading, what do you think Puritans believe? Give evidence. How were Edward Taylor and Jonathan Edwards different as authors? As believers? Similar? What do you know about The First Great Awakening? Where do you see evidence of it?
– The desire to have one’s feelings or life changed radically was an experience called grace. Grace involved a cleansing of the individual — a purging of sinfulness. Grace also entailed much self-examination as the Puritan sought signs that God was working within him – Puritans valued plainness, especially in religion. This extended to their writing. For examples, see in particular, Ann Bradstreet, though is not as clearly seen in writers like Cotton Mather. This insistence on plain speaking shapes much of American literature (Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, etc.) – The Puritans were convinced that they were carrying on God’s work in settling the New World.
narration: telling a story, developing a sequence of events description: writing that appeals to the senses exposition: writing that communicates information persuasion: writing meant to modify behavior
the study of effective speaking and writing. And the art of persuasion Three main uses: Deliberative: That which seeks to persuade someone to do something he otherwise would not do or to accept a point of view he otherwise would not hold. It is concerned with the future. Forensic: That which seeks to defend or condemn one’s actions. It is concerned with the past. Ceremonial: That which celebrates or denounces. It is usually associated with the present. Three main techniques/appeals: Pathos (feeling) Ethos (ethics/morals) Logos (logic)