Between Heaven and Hell: The Puritan Tradition Anne Bradstreet and Jonathan Edwards With Some Persuasion Thrown In
The Puritans Valued hard work and self-sacrifice They also honored material success; wealth was considered to be the reward of a virtuous life. Valued family life and community service Key religious beliefs People are inherently evil and must struggle to overcome their sinful nature. Personal salvation depends solely on the grace of God, not on individual effort. The Bible is the supreme authority on earth.
Anne Bradstreet First notable American poet Expresses her intense feelings about her husband and the loss of her home in a fire Poetry in 1600s New England was almost exclusively devotional in nature. So, it was highly recommended reading for the Puritan community. Her poems focus on her personal life, yet she views her life within a spiritual context.
Jonathan Edwards’ Sermon 100 years after the Puritans had settled, they believed things had gotten too complacent. Jonathan Edwards and other Puritan ministers led the Great Awakening, a religious revival. “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Delivered in Connecticut in 1741. He warned the congregation that being church members doesn’t mean they will be saved automatically from the fires of hell.
Jonathan Edwards’ Sermon Example of persuasive writing What is the purpose of persuasive writing? Edwards tries to persuade the people that they had to personally experience a conversion, a transforming moment in which they felt God’s grace. Loaded language: words with strong connotations or emotional associations “The World on the Turtle’s Back” Background Information and Venn Diagram The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Look over the questions from the chapters. Look over your PowerPoint notes; expect a few questions over background information. Anne Bradstreet’s poetry Expect a few questions over the poems “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Expect questions over quotes and persuasive language
Types of Persuasion Bandwagon: The “everybody is doing it” persuasion. Glittering generalities: The appeal to core values of persuasion. Testimonial: The celebrity endorsement or credible source persuasion. Citing statistics: The use of numbers to show how good your product is persuasion.