Dismantling LEP and the Experiments Access to the underground areas, project organisation, coordination and safety
The Objective Empty the tunnel and the experimental caverns safely efficiently in a short time
Some numbers Tens of thousands of components 30,000 tonnes of equipment in the machine plus 10,000 tonnes in the experiments Almost 50% of the machine to remove before Christmas 2000
What is the timescale? ON THE LHC CRITICAL PATH LEP physics DELPHI dismantlingLHC CE LEP physics OPAL dismantlingLHC CE LEP physics ALEPH dismantlingLHC CE LEP physics L3 dismantling LHC CE LEP physics LEP dismantling LHC CE 1 June April July June Mar Oct 2000 IP 2 IP 4 IP 6 IP 8
Who is involved? CERN personnel Contract staff Visiting experimental teams Laboratory Construction site New safety issues Some new major constraints Several hundred people
Installation Nucléaire de Base ( INB ) What is it ? Why did CERN sign ? How radioactive are LEP and the experiments ? LEP: Low induced radioactivity (Très Faiblement Actif - TFA ) Experiments: only the calibration sources are radioactive ( TFA )
INB : What does it mean for the dismantling ? CERN and the French authorities have agreed procedures and rules zoning, traceability and waste management... These must be explained to everybody involved in this project They must be strictly followed
INB : Radiological Zoning Procedure the process of identification of the radioactive elements, based on the original design, calculations and operational experience
Zoning of the Experiments But: Many weak radioactive calibration sources inside the detectors! - hence the requirement to wear a film badge and electronic dosimeter at all times. LEP Very small activities expected TFA Luminosity monitorsConventional
Zoning of LEP
NUCLEAR ZONES Wearing a film badge and an electronic dosimeter is obligatory for all personnel working on equipment classified as TFA ( slightly radioactive). Areas containing TFA materials will be clearly marked Here is a schematic example of such an area D > 25 µSv/h OR D < 25 µSv/h RADIATION ZONE CONTROLEE CONTROLLED AREA FILM BADGE WEAR YOUR PORTER VOTRE RP
INB : Practical Implications for the LEP machine Traceability of all material label equipment and containers with barcodes record movements and measurements in the tunnel at the surface at the storage/transit areas during storage when the equipment leaves CERN Systematic radiation checks
INB : Practical implications for the experiments Material disposal Only TFA material treated like LEP material (traceability) But all material undergoes systematic radioactivity tests
Monitors 1 RP technician / experiment (8 h/day) 1 RP technician + 1 tracer / pit (8 h/day) 1 tracer per site (dispatcher at surface) (8 h/day) 1 RP technician + 2 tracers in the transit zone (8 h/day) 1 mobile team composed of 1RP technician + 1 tracer (8 h/day) 1 Site watchman / pit (24 h/day)
Constraints Concerning the Equipment Removal restricted to Mon -Fri, 8-12 h and h Transfer of equipment between the experiments and the LEP tunnel is strictly prohibited. PASSAGE MATERIAL STRICTEMENT INTERDIT PASSAGE OF EQUIPMENT STRICTLY FORBIDDEN Consequently, access to the caverns and tunnel is restricted toMon-Fri, 7-19 h
How it affects you Access Access card with UX / U clearance - issued after attending this briefing Safety Helmet, safety shoes, gas mask, film badge, safety zone On-site team briefings TARGET: ZERO ACCIDENTS
Respect the Rules - and encourage others to, as well Violation of rules may lead to Halting the dismantling Halting the physics programme Serious damage of CERN’s reputation
Important Phone Numbers Fire brigade Urgent : use a red telephone from a CERN telephone: from a CERN telephone: 112 from a mobile phone: from a mobile phone: Fire brigade (non-urgent): Fire brigade (non-urgent): Technical Services problems Contact the Site Manager or Tech. Contr. Room: Tech. Contr. Room: 72201
Ask your Supervisor / Team Leader On LEP Dismantling Project Project leader: John Poole WEB page:
On Experiments Dismantling WEB page: Ask your Supervisor / Team Leader or the GLIMOS Co-ordinator: Christian Joram, 78909,
Good luck to everyone !
Accident – Fire : Tel. 112 or RED Telephone or Technical Services Breakdown: Tel LEP TUNNEL – Dismantling Area Follow the rules concerning access and removal of equipment You must hold a valid access card and wear a film badge in the areas indicated Personnel Access between: 7h00 – 19h00 Equipment removal between: 8h00 – 12h00 & 13h00 – 17h00 Radiation measurements and Traceability compulsory for all equipment No visitors Transport of equipment between the machine tunnel and the experiments strictly forbidden No smoking No litter – keep the areas clean Beware of heavy handling machinery Safety helmets and safety shoes compulsory
DELPHI - Dismantling Worksite Respect conditions of access and material removal Access card and film badge compulsory Working hours for personnel: 7h00-19h00 Removal of material: 8h h00, 13h h00 Compulsory control of radioactivity of materials Safety helmet and Safety shoes compulsory No smoking - Keep clear and tidy Beware of handling gear operations and transport vehicles: Keep clear Do not pass under the handling shaft Visits forbidden Accident, Fire: Telephone 112 or Red Telephone or Breakdown Service: Telephone GLIMOS
TRACEABILITY R.Billen SL/MR Dismantler Cables Container Hand written label (Type, half cell) Transport Somewhere in the tunnel On the surface Dispatcher Tracer Barcode At the bottom of the shafts TIS/ RP Start 2 Oct. 2000
PM15 PM18 PX24 PM25 PM45 PM65 PM85 LEP Pits Distribution of materials from the INB ISR 879 … LHC TT10 … For re-use CERN Radioactive waste TIS/RP Zone (ISR) R. Billen SL/MR/DBS CERN For sale/scrap Transit Zone Recycling, Institutes, labs, … Weighing RADIATION GATE MONITOR CERN