Machine-to-Machine(M2M) Communication for cdma2000 Systems Orlett W. Pearson, 3GPP2 LS to TR-50 February 2011
2 | 3GPP2 M2M Update | February GPP2 LS to TIA TR-50 3GPP2 M2M Activity 3GPP2 SC Ad Hoc on M2M Numbering and Addressing M2M Study work being developed in TSG-S — Completion date: 4Q2010 Joint activity: TSG-A, TSG-C and TSG-X — Introduce Network Optimizations M2M E2E Procedures Architecture Deployment Scenarios
3 | 3GPP2 M2M Update | February GPP2 LS to TIA TR-50 3GPP2 SC AHG SC M2M Numbering and Addressing —Objectives: 3GPP2 M2M Numbering scheme that must be developed by 3GPP2 could include, but may not be limited to, the following: Number of devices that may need to be addressed over time, Device Identifier requirements, Subscription Identifier requirements, Logical Addressing Identifier requirements, and Potential addressing schemes. Hardware Identifiers —ESN: Original hardware identifier for cdma2000. Now largely exhausted and new applications have not been accepted since 30 June —IMEI: Used by devices with a 3GPP operational mode. Administration controlled by GSMA. —MEID: The new standard for cdma2000 devices. Administration controlled by 3GPP2 and TIA.
4 | 3GPP2 M2M Update | February GPP2 LS to TIA TR-50 3GPP2 SC AHG Additional Identifiers Under Review —Interface Identifiers (MAC, IPv4 Address, IPv6 Address) —1X Subscription Identifiers (MIN, IMSI) —Packet Data Subscription Identifier (NAI) —Packet Data External Routing Identifier (Public IPv4, Dynamic DNS) —Telephone/Mobile Directory Numbers —Smart Card Identifiers (UIMID, SF_EUIMID, LF_EUIMID, ICCID) —Visited/Serving System Packet Data Identifiers (Public IPv4, Private IPv4, IPv6, GRE Key) —Base Station Identifiers (SID, NID, MCC, MNC, SubnetID)
5 | 3GPP2 M2M Update | February GPP2 LS to TIA TR-50 3GPP2 SC AHG Joint activity: TSG-A, TSG-C and TSG-X —Introduced Network Optimizations M2M E2E Procedures Congestion/Overload Control Authentication Interface between cmda2000 systems and M2M Server Architecture Deployment Scenarios eHRPD based deployments supporting both IPv4 and IPv6 HRPD IPv4 based deployments HRPD IPv6 based deployments 1x SMS based deployments 1x packet based deployments Sync with 3GPP and ETSI