When was it invented? Unit 9 Language goal: Learn to talk about history of some.


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Presentation transcript:

When was it invented? Unit 9

Language goal: Learn to talk about history of some

light bulb invention Edison inventor Edison invented the light bulb. The light bulb was invented by Edison.

Bell invented the telephone. ___________ was invented by ___. The telephone Bell

Karl Benz invented the car. ______ was invented by _______. The carKarl Benz

A: Who was the _______ invented by? B: It was invented by ______. A: Who was the _______ invented by? B: It was invented by ______. Revision Carl Benz Bell

Revision A: Who were the _______ invented by? B: They were invented by ______. A: Who were the _______ invented by? B: They were invented by ______. Edison

A: When was the _______ invented? B: I think it was invented in ______. A: When was the _______ invented? B: I think it was invented in ______. Pairwork (1c:P68)

(A chant) Inventions, inventions, inventions Let’s talk about inventions ! The computer, computer, computer, When was it invented ? The computer, computer, computer, was invented in The calculator, calculator, calculator When was it invented ? The calculator, calculator, calculator was invented in The television, television, television When was it invented ? The television, television, television was invented in The motorcar, motorcar, motorcar When was it invented ? The motorcar, motorcar, motorcar, was invented in The telephone, telephone, telephone When was it invented ? The telephone, telephone, telephone was invented in 1876.

A: What is the _______ used for? B: I think it is used for _______________. A: What is the _______ used for? B: I think it is used for _______________. talking with people

A: What is the _______ used for? B: I think it is used for ___________. A: What is the _______ used for? B: I think it is used for ___________. ( count ) counting

A: What are the ________ used for? B: I think they are used for __________________. A: What are the ________ used for? B: I think they are used for __________________. working in the dark (work in the dark)

被动语态: 当主语为动作的承受者时, 用被动语态。结构: be+ 动词过去分词 1) We clean the classroom every day. The classroom is cleaned (by us)… … 2) Teachers allow students to wear their own clothes. Students are allowed (by teachers) to wear their own clothes. 一般现在时 一般现在时

3) Bell invented the telephone. The telephone was invented by Bell. 一般过去时 4) Tom invited me to the concert. I was invited (by Tom) to the concert. 一般过去时 被动语态用于其他时态: 5) The work will be finished next week. 6) The children are being taken good care of. 8) My car has been repaired. 一般将来时 现在进行时 现在完成时

含有情态动词的被动语态: 1) Teenagers should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 2) This must be done as soon as possible. 3) It can be repaired. 结构:情态动词+ be+ 动词过去分词

部 分常见的不规则动词: go-went-gone do-did-done have/has-had-had take-took-taken eat-ate-eaten see-saw-seen speak-spoke-spoken am/is/are-was/were -been

将下列句子由主动句变为被动句或由被动句 变为主动句: 1)Zheng Jie invented this special pen. 变被动句 2)The bike was fixed up by Jimmy. 变 主动句 3) People use sunglasses to protect their eyes. 4) Teachers allow students to put up hands in class. This special pen was invented Zheng Jie. Jimmy fixed up the bike Sunglasses are used (by people) to protect eyes. Students are allowed (by teachers) to put up hands in class.

就下列句子的画线部分提问: 1.Q:__________________________ A: The stove was invented in Q: ___________________________ A: The Wright brothers invented the plane. 3.Q: ___________________________ A: The washing machine is used for washing clothes. When was the stove invented ? Who invented the plane ? What is the washing machine used for ?

就下列句子的画线部分提问: 4.Q: _______________________ A: The helicopter was invented in Q: _______________________ A: The washing machine was invented by Fisher. When was the helicopter invented ? Who was the washing machine invented by ?

用所给动词的正确形式填空: 1) The bike __________(fix) up by Xiao Ming yesterday. 2) Sunglasses __________ (use) for protecting people’s eyes. 3) A picture _________(put) up on the blackboard. 4) French___________ (speak) in France. 5) Teenagers should _________(allow) to choose their own clothes. was fixed are used is put is spoken be allowed

It is a helpful invention. Because it can help see clearly in the dark.

alarm clock It’s an annoying invention. Because it wakes me up when I’m sleeping.

1.What is the article about ? It’s about the invention of tea. 2.When was it invented ? It was invented over three thousand years before Who was it invented ? It was invented by the emperor Shen Nong. 4. How was it invented ? It was invented by accident.

1.Although tea wasn’t brought to the Western world until 1610, this beverage was … … before that. 2.Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. 3. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. 4. And in this way, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented. 虽然茶直到 1610 年才被带到西方,但在那之前的 三千多年这种饮料就已经被发明了。 来自附近灌木丛的一些树叶落入水中并且在水中 保留了一段时间。 神农帝注意到水中的叶子散发出一种令人愉快的 味道。 就这样,世界上特别受人喜爱的饮料之一被发明了

not… … until… … 直 到 … … 才 … … e.g. 1) They didn’t finish the work until Mike came back. 他们直到 Mike 回来才完成工作。 他直到十点才回来。 2) He didn’t come back until 10 o’clock. 他们到下个礼拜天才会来。 3) They won’t come until next Sunday. 你们到下午五点才能回家。 4) You can’t go home until 5 p.m.