Safety & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Middle School Safety & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Student Materials Teacher notes This is an instructional resource to introduce students to the concept of packaging and distribution of manufactured goods. You may use this presentation to complement a lessons in your curriculum and/or as an introductory activity to a lesson from the same company. FLATE’s Learning Challenges provide a more engaged and in-depth exploration of specific topics related to manufacturing. Like all other lessons, the content, the context and the images come from real manufacturing companies throughout the State of Florida. We are pleased that you are reviewing this educational resource. This presentation is intended to increase your student’s awareness and interests in the field of manufacturing and all the careers it represents. As Florida’s Advanced Technological Center, a National Science Foundation sponsored project, we are charged to focus on manufacturing education in our state. We welcome you to take advantage of our services and resources. To find more about us, visit our website at www.FL-ATE.ORG and Presentation Options This activity can be completed in several ways: (a) as a class activity, (b) as a class activity prior to asking students to explore our virtual tours or (c) as independent study. If interested in a physical tour to a manufacturing plant, please contact us and we would be glad to facilitate the activity. During the 2004-2005 academic year, almost 600 Florida H.S. and M.S. students have already participated in our physical tours! We welcome your recommendations, requests for adaptations, ideas for new challenges, ways to better integrate the proposed activities to your lesson plans and, of course, your experiences in adopting them in your classroom. Alignments with Science and Technology Standards The Teamwork @ Featherlite Presentation is aligned with the Florida's Sunshine State Standards for Science and the Curriculum Framework for Technology Education. The Standards addressed are as follows: SCIENCE STANDARDS H-Nature of Science/ Standard 3: The student understands that science, technology and society are interwoven and interdependent. (SC.H.3.4) TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY STANDARDS 01.0 Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and scope of technology. 03.0 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connection between technology and other fields of study. 04.0 Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology. 23.0 Discuss individual interests, aptitudes, and opportunities as they relate to a career. How to use this presentation Review the entire presentation and accompanying notes and determine whether to modify, delete or add additional content. 1
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Middle School Safety & PPE Student Materials Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 1. PPE Identification You are given a series of pictures showing workers wearing various PPE. Study each picture thoroughly. List all the PPE that you can identify. Suggest what hazard each PPE is protecting the worker against. Discuss how each PPE work to protect the worker.
Identify and List all the PPE in the Pictures Middle School Safety & PPE Student Materials Identify and List all the PPE in the Pictures Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Chemical resistant gloves, sleeves, apron and face sheild. Figure 1.1: A lab tech pours a very toxic and corrosive liquid. To protect himself he wears a number of PPE. 3
Identify and List all the PPE in the Pictures Middle School Safety & PPE Student Materials Identify and List all the PPE in the Pictures Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Full body suit with hood, gloves and safety boots. Figure 1.2: A biologist is working with a very dangerous chemicals. The chemicals are known to be corrosive, reactive and can change to vapor easily. He wears the PPE as shown. 4
Identify and List all the PPE in the Pictures Middle School Safety & PPE Student Materials Identify and List all the PPE in the Pictures Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Special heat and chemical resistant gloves, sleeves and apron. Figure 1.3: A chemist is working with chemicals that are very toxic, corrosive, and reactive. Also, when they react, they produce heat. She therefore wears the PPE in the picture. 5
Personal Protective Equipment Suggestions Middle School Safety & PPE Student Materials Personal Protective Equipment Suggestions 2. PPE Suggestions Your are a Lab Safety Manager. You are given a series of pictures showing different hazardous situations. Suggest the best PPE, from the choices given, that would be required to prevent, eliminate or reduce injury to workers.
Choose the Best PPE Safety & PPE Answer Middle School Student Materials Choose the Best PPE Answer C is the correct answer Figure 2.1: Workers evacuating a room on fire. There is a lot of smoke and fumes in the air. 7
Choose the Best PPE Safety & PPE Answer Middle School Student Materials Choose the Best PPE Answer C is the correct answer Figure 2.2: A safety sign warning workers that the chemical is corrosive (damages the skin upon contact). 8
Choose the Best PPE Safety & PPE Answer Middle School Student Materials Choose the Best PPE Answer A is the correct answer Figure 2.3: A safety placard warning worker that a laser is in use and special eye protection is required. 9
Choose the Best PPE Safety & PPE Answer Middle School Student Materials Choose the Best PPE Answer B is the correct answer Figure 2.4: A cartoon of a worker putting out a fire with an extinguisher. 10
Choose the Best PPE Safety & PPE Answer Middle School Student Materials Choose the Best PPE Answer C is the correct answer Figure 2.5: A safety sign warning that hazards such as dust or vapor present and that the worker need to wear respiratory protection. 11
Choose the Best PPE Safety & PPE Answer Middle School Student Materials Choose the Best PPE Answer C is the correct answer Figure 2.6: A cartoon representation of type of chemicals (corrosive, toxic, poisonous and reactive) that are in use in the workplace. 12
Choose the Best PPE Safety & PPE Answer Middle School Student Materials Choose the Best PPE Answer B is the correct answer Figure 2.7: A worker washes his eye at an Eye-wash Station after come chemical he was pouring splashed into his eye. What should he have worn to prevent this? 13
Choose the Best PPE Safety & PPE Answer Middle School Student Materials Choose the Best PPE Answer C is the correct answer Figure 2.8: A safety warning sign indicating that there is the risk of respiratory hazards in the area. 14