Global History: Regents Review Key Figures: Buzz Words
Absolute Rulers: Louis XIV, Akbar the Great, Elizabeth I, Philip I, Genghis Khan, Qin, King John I, Suleiman the Magnificent Key Ideas: Divine Right, no freedom Sun King, Palace of Versailles - Louis Religious Toleration – Akbar Mongol leader/superior military skills – Genghis Great Wall – Qin Ottoman Empire, Constantinople - Suleiman
Protestant Reformers: Luther, Calvin, Henry VIII Key Ideas: 1.Connected to Humanism 2.Challenged the church 3.Indulgences – Luther 4.Predestination, theocracy – Calvin 5.Act of Supremacy, divorce, Anglican – Henry VIII
Scientists: Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Keppler Key Ideas: 1.Connection to Humanism 2.Heliocentric theory (sun-centered) 3.Critics of the church
Explorers: Zheng He, Columbus, Magellan, Vasco de Gama, Ibn Battuta, Marco Polo Key Ideas: 1.Cultural Exchanges; East meets West 2.Trade Increases 3.Curiosity sparked 4.Colonization of the Americas
Renaissance Men: Medici, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Machiavelli, Gutenberg Key Ideas: 1.Humanism/Individualism 2.Patron of the Arts - Medici 3.Printing Press - Gutenberg 4.“end justifies means;” better to be feared than loved” – Machiavelli
Latin American Revolutionaries: Bolivar, San Martin, L’ouverture, Hidalgo Key Ideas: 1.Inspired by the Enlightenment; John Locke 2.Freedom from Spanish rule 3.Nationalists; get out the foreign powers!
Italian & German Nationalists: Mazzini, Cavor, Garibaldi Otto Von Bismarck Key Ideas: Love of land, culture, traditions “Blood and Iron” & Realpolitik - Bismarck
African Revolutionaries: Kenyatta, Mandela, DeKlerk, Nkrumah Key Ideas: Post WWII/Freedom from European powers; Berlin Conference Ethnic Rivalries Apartheid (segregation); political participation for all
Enlightenment: Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu Key Ideas: Natural Rights Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness Inspired revolutions (U.S., France, Latin America)
Economists: Karl Marx, Adam Smith Key Ideas: Founder of Communism, Communist Manifesto, public ownership, equality – Marx Founder of Capitalism, Wealth of Nations, private ownership, profit motive - Smith
Totalitarian Regimes (“Bad Guys”): Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Mao ZeDong, Deng Xiaopeng, Khomeini, Robespierre Key Ideas: Genocide; human rights abuses (Hitler, Pot) Promised prosperity post WWI (Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini) Islamic Fundamentalism (Khomeini) Tiananmen Square (Deng) French Revolutionary; Reign of Terror, guillotine (Robespierre)
Communists: Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot, Mao ZeDong, Deng Xiaopeng, Ho Chi Minh, Key Ideas: 1.Peasant Support (land, equality), public ownership; ideas of Marx 2.Bolshevik Revolution; peace, land, bread - Lenin 3.New Economic Policy – Lenin 4.Five Year Plan, Collectivization - Stalin 5.Khmer Rouge/genocide (killing fields) – Pol Pot 6.Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution – Mao 7.Four Modernizations – Deng 8.Vietnam - Minh
“Good Guys:” Ataturk, Gorbachev, Mandela, Meiji, Gandhi, Truman, King John I Key Ideas: Secular Democratic/Western – Ataturk, Meiji Glasnost (“openess”), Perestroika – Gorbachev Apartheid – Mandela Civil Disobedience – Gandhi Containment – Truman Magna Carta/limited monarchy, England – John I