Physical and Chemical Changes Unit 2—Part II Adapted by NCDPI – Unit 2 Matter is all around us
Concept of Change Change: the act of altering a substance
Physical Change Physical change: a change that occurs that does not change the identity of the substance Melting ice Freezing Kool-aid Tearing paper Boiling water
Chemical Changes Chemical change: a change that occurs causing the identity of the substance to change Burning paper Digesting food Electrolysis of water A chemical change is called a chemical reaction
Chemical Reaction Chemical reaction: occurs when the original substance changes form into a new substance. Some clues to a chemical reaction may include bubbles, smoke, a strong smell, color change, temperature change, or a sizzling sound
Indicator Indicator: something that produces an observable physical change but still retains its original form. Some of these changes may include the appearance or disappearance of a color.
Chemical Changes Cont’d Indicators of a chemical change: Evolution of light Evolution of heat Evolution of a gas Color change Formation of a precipitate
Is it Physical or Chemical? ChangePhysicalChemical Melting cheese Burning wood Milk souring Wadding up paper Bicycle rusting