The NZC ( Revised New Zealand Curriculum ) two years on A time to reflect
Key considerations ( p.37, NZC) The relationship between the New Zealand Curriculum and the school curriculum Principles Values, key competencies, and learning areas Achievement objectives Assessment Learning Pathways
What are the major differences? Development of key competencies in teaching and learning replacing essential skills Values ( explored, encouraged, modeled) Effective pedagogy Student agency (ability to exert control over, and give direction to one’s life) Requires schools and teachers to encourage much greater involvement of parents, whānau, and local communities
Progress so far ( ERO May 2011) Principles High expectations Community engagement Inclusion Treaty of Waitangi Cultural diversity Coherence Future focus
Teaching as Inquiry Social Inquiry Inquiry learning
Registered Teacher Criteria Will progressively replace the Satisfactory Teacher Dimensions from 2010 as the standards for teacher registration Align with the NZC
Supporting resources NZC Teaching and Learning Guides Building Conceptual Understandings in the Social Sciences series Achievement standards Conditions of assessment Clarification of standards Exemplar tasks Moderator newsletters
Web support Education for Enterprise TKI – case studies
How to keep up to date Each fortnight the Gazette has: Secondary focus NZC Curriculum Update NZQA Best practice workshops ( fee free ) Anything else?
Effective pedagogy Teaching as Inquiry Four mechanisms in BES “Where culture counts, learning can occur effectively” The experiential learning approach( experiencing, reflecting, generalizing and abstracting on what happened, transfer of learning) Building conceptual understandings Creating a learning environment