1 Planning for the 7. International Masterclasses “Hands on Particle Physics“ 27th EPPOG outreach meeting, CERN, Uta Bilow
2 Participation 2010 (2009) 18 (17) days, 3 weeks 91 (82) students masterclasses 84 (79) institutes 12 new institutes France: Strasbourg, Grenoble, Marseille Spain: CIEMAT Madrid, IFT Madrid Switzerland: Geneva, CERN Germany: Tübingen Italy: Roma La Sapienza Portugal: Minho, Braganca, Vila Real + U.S. subprogram + local masterclasses Interest for 2011 (so far): Odense (DK), Bologna, Lecce (IT), Jerusalem, Rehovot (IL) + few more institutes in U.S.
3 Participation 2010 Estimated number of students: 6000 Again: large interest and growth 2011 ?
4 Participation 2010 Additional Teachers days in: Vienna Innsbruck Louvain-la-Neuve Sao Paulo Copenhagen Berlin Göttingen Dresden Athens Roma Frascati Madrid Might be important for funding encourage institutes
5 Central organisation at Dresden Michael Kobel Uta Bilow Sebastian Wahrmund (website) student assistant Tatjana Sereda (secretary) Steering Committee Central Organisation: Michael Kobel, Uta Bilow US-Organisation: Ken Cecire EPPOG: Dave Barney? Moderators: N.N. EVO Team: Marek Domaracky? National Organisation Contact persons in each country Local responsibles for each institute Organisation Team
6 Funding and in kind contributions Helmholtz-Alliance: Project manager (1/2 time; until end of 2012) Wolfgang-Gentner studentship for Konrad Jende (PhD thesis, ending 2012) BMBF: upgrade for LHC (development, technical needs, test, translation, CD/DVD, student assistants; ending 2012) EPS HEP division (production and shipping of CD) CERN IT: Marek Domaracky, CALTECH (CERN) Philippe Galvez, EVO Project Manager (CERN IT) CERN outreach (prizes) Moderators
7 Period I Boundary conditions: no school holidays no ATLAS/CMS week daylight saving time period U.S. (starts 13.3.); EU: transcontinental video conferences Doodle with 30 participants: clear preference for 3 weeks from 7.3. – Period: 7.3. – + few more days (5.3./4.3.)? (growth!)
8 Period II 7.3. – : Includes 8.3.! = International Women´s Day “International Women's Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.“ 8 March 2010: Women´s Day at CERN Let´s have a Masterclasses Women´s Day
9 Exercises 2011 New LHC package with ATLAS and CMS W-path and Z-path Status: Marge, Konrad, Ken + ALICE (extra day)? Exercises on CD/DVD and web Translation help of national responsibles needed (Nov/Dec/Jan) use of real data: underlies restrictions
10 Video session I better technical quality in 2010 Institutes well prepared, although only few previous EVO-tests (due to large workload of CERN IT)
11 Video session II Teachers lab with nice background can be used again Duration 60 min, often longer due to students´ questions Start with Q&A, prepared by institutes Collect results beforehand, transmission of results via spreadsheet on google docs worked well Quiz with new questions Local prizes for each site (CERN shirts) Moderators: do a very good and admirable job, although not easy (find appropriate language for students, speak slowly, encourage students, handle up to 6 sites) have a large team to keep the workload balanced, have them well prepared by ~ 1 hour introduction onsite
12 Website relaunch new webmaster: Sebastian Wahrmund (ending Feb 2011)
13 Evaluation Konrad Jende, PhD student at CERN New pedagogical concept for LHC masterclasses Evaluation 2010, will be continued Frank Meier, PhD student from Zürich Plans for 2011 still unclear, continue with other person?