Cодействие культурному разнообразию - приоритет ЮНЕСКО в области культуры.
Краеугольные камни построения мира в умах и сердцах людей - взаимный интерес людей друг к другу, принятие чужой культуры, на диалог и духовное взаимообогащение.
Человеческие взаимоотношения – залог богатства и разнообразия культур.
Культурное разнообразие – источник развития, «столь же необходим для человечества, как биологическое разнообразие для живой природы».
ЮНЕСКО – в авангарде международных начинаний в области защиты наследия.
На сегодняшний день Список всемирного наследия объединяет около 700 природных и культурных объектов, от Тадж-Махала в Индии до древнего города Тимбукту в Мали, включая такое чудо природы как Большие коралловые рифы в Австралии.
ЮНЕСКО не ограничивается охраной памятников культуры и природных ценностей.
ЮНЕСКО разрабатывает первый международный правовой документ в защиту культурного наследия.
Given that cultures embrace literature and the arts as well as ways of life, value systems, traditions and beliefs, the protection and promotion of their diversity presents special challenges: notably defending creative capacity through the multitude of its material and immaterial forms and ensuring that all peoples live together peacefully.
Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. World Heritage sites belong to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are located. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity.
Protecting cultural diversity by saving the heritage.
Cultural heritage is not limited to material manifestations, such as monuments and objects that have been preserved over time. This notion also encompasses living expressions and the traditions that countless groups and communities worldwide have inherited from their ancestors and transmit to their descendants, in most cases orally.
Legal instruments enable States to more effectively protect all forms of culture. UNESCO elaborates legal instruments in the form of declarations, recommendations or conventions, which are adopted by UNESCO's Member States.
The world’s cultural wealth is its variety in dialogue.
The development that is so closely associated with cultural identity is that of human beings and not merely of economic and financial structures. UNESCO has for several decades now enshrined its programmes in this framework of development "with a human face", being the only one that is truly "sustainable".
The world map of cultural industries reveals a yawning gap between North and South. This can only be counteracted by strengthening local capacities and facilitating access to global markets at national level by way of new partnerships, know- how, control of piracy and increased international solidarity of every kind.
Promoting creativity and allowing it to flower in a spirit of freedom and intercultural dialogue is one of the best ways of maintaining cultural vitality. Access to the new technologies opens the way to original forms of expression.
The digital revolution has not left copyright protection unaffected. UNESCO endeavours to make a contribution to the international debate on this issue, taking into account the development perspective and paying particular attention to the need of maintaining the fair balance between the interests of authors and the interest of the general public of access to knowledge and information.
The museological heritage is both an actor and an instrument of dialogue between nations and of a common international vision aimed at cultural development. The latter may vary considerably in nature and form, depending on the historical and cultural context.
It is a well-known fact that tourism can be a deadly foe as much as a firm friend in the matter of development.
Over 50% of the world's 6000 languages are endangered. 96% of the world's 6000 languages are spoken by 4% of the world's population. 90% of the world's languages are not represented on the Internet. One language disappears on average every two weeks. 80% of the African languages have no orthography. Languages are not only extremely adequate tools of communication, they also reflect a view of the world.
Brochure: ”All Different, All Unique” – young people and the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity