ncRNA Jeremy Logue
The Expanding Repertoire of RNA Adapted from Soares and Valcarcel (2006) EMBO
Adapted from Huttenhofer, A et al. (2005) Trends in Genetics The Expanding World of Non-coding RNAs
HAR1-associated transcripts in genomic context Of the 49 HARS identified (Human Accelerated Regions), 96% are in non-coding regions.
Predicted RNA secondary structure for HAR1F
Expression of HAR1F and HAR1R in the developing neocortex Cajal-Retzius cells establish early neuronal circuitry in the developing brain
Expression of HAR1F in other parts of the developing brain
What does this all mean? Fill in the blank…
X - Inactivation
Dosage Compensation Adapted from Straub and Becker (2007) Nature Reviews Genetics
Imprinted Versus Random X-inactivation Adapted from Avnir and Heard (2001) Nature Reviews Genetics
The X-inactivation Center Adapted from Avnir and Heard (2001) Nature Reviews Genetics
Differentiation Xist Transcription in Embryonic Stem Cells Adapted from Avnir and Heard (2001) Nature Reviews Genetics 48 hrs.
Adapted from Avnir and Heard (2001) Nature Reviews Genetics Potential Roles for Xist Antisense Transcription
What does a silenced X look like? Adapted from Chow, JC et al. (2005) Annu. Rev. Genomic Hum. Genet.
Co-localization and 3D - Microscopy
How confident are we that these co-localize?
Figure 1G from Chaumeil, J. et al. (2007) Gen Dev Problems Associated with Co-localization Resolution = λ/(2NA) z-axis problem Calculating a cross-correlation can also aid in determining co-localization
3D - Microscopy