Task Group CRIS–IR
Ed Simons Radboud University Netherlands Initiator and project leader for the development of METIS, the CRIS used by all 13 universities in the Netherlands as well as the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences. Currently: Project leader of the development of a Student Information system for universities in Mozambique and Zambia.
Task Group CRIS–IR
Purpose of the Task Group CRIS-IR: “To work out, in cooperation with the IR-community, an optimal solution for the interoperability of Research Information Systems on the one hand and Institutional Repositories on the other, on a European scale, taking into account all relevant aspects. “
This means that this TG is about: 1.(striving towards) An optimal solution for research information (supply) to all possible stakeholders (researchers, managers, policy makers, general public etc..), assuming an optimal integration of CRIS on the one hand and Institutional Repositories on the other. 2.Liase with the IR-Community.
What has been done and is going on: 1.A concrete workplan for the TG has been formulated. 2.An international meeting has been (co-)organised by euroCRIS and the National Italian Research Council (CNR) in Rome for people from both the CRIS and the IR community. 3.A survey among the euroCRIS members is in preparation concerning the actual situation on the interoperabillity between CRIS and IR’s in their institutions.
WORKPLAN: 1.Make an inventory of current practices of CRIS-IR interoperabillity among the euroCRIS members. 2.Establish contacts with the IR-community and actively promote mutual cooperation, dialogue and understanding between the two communities (CRIS and IR). 3.Determine and define the optimal set of metadata for a “CRIS- driven” repository. 4.Define an interoperabillity metadata standard for CRIS-IR. 5.Identify consequences of the CRIS-IR work for CERIF and communicate these as possible action points to the CERIF TG.
WORKPLAN (continued): 6.Work out technical models for optimal interoperability of CRIS and IR, including demonstrators. 7.Work out organisational and workflow models related to the interoperabillity / integration of CRIS-IR. 8.Development of use cases for CRIS-IR interoperability. 9.Communicating within euroCRIS good practices in current real-life cases of interoperability between CRIS and repositories. 10.Discuss and define principles, policies and theoretical frameworks (the “vision” if you wish) underlying the interoperability of CRIS- OAR (the “philosophical” part of the job).
WORKSHOP IN ROME, MAY 2010 (euroCRIS and CNR) Purpose: 1.Bringing the 2 communities together in dialogue (CRIS and IR). 2.Formulate a possible future “Roadmap” for CRIS-IR. It would be good to have such meetings structurally organised, at least once a year. The TG CRIS-IR should be a major contributor and active partner in these meetings.