Response to Intervention – Data Teams March 5, :00 am Our session will start momentarily. While you are waiting, please do the following: Enter/edit your profile information by going to: Tools - Preferences - My Profile… Fill out the info on the “identity” tab and click “OK” To view the profile of another use, hover your mouse over his or her name in the participants window Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: Tools – audio – audio setup wizard Confirm your connection speed by going to: Tools – preferences – connection speed
Type into Chat area here Use pull-down menu Use pull-down menu to send your message to: - this room - just the moderators - selected participant Please note: Please note: the moderator will see all messages sent … including private messages sent to individual participants.
Using Audio: When Someone Else is Talking
Questions and Answers There are two options for asking questions: 1. Type your question in the chat section. Make sure you send it to “this room” so that all can see your question. DOE personnel will respond to your question. 2. Raise your hand by clicking on the raise hand icon on the left side. We will activate your microphone for you to ask your question. (Only one person may talk at a time.)
Response to Intervention Process of aligning appropriate assessment with purposeful instruction for all students.
What is the problem? What does the data show? Why is this happening? Curriculum Issue? Instructional Issue? Student Issue? What is our plan? What are we going to do? What interventions are needed? How will we measure success? Implement the plan Who will do what, where, when, and how often? How will fidelity of implementation be determined? Did the plan work? What does the data show?
School Data Teams The Georgia Department of Education recommends the formation of data teams at each school. This team would be responsible for analyzing achievement and discipline data from both formative and summative measures in use. This team would lead the work of using district and school performance norms to set criteria for expected growth and the identification of scientifically based interventions needed to support the learner. School level participants should include the principal, grade level/content area representatives, counselors, and school psychologist.
School Data Teams Data Teams in each school serve as the driving force for instructional decision making in the building. The team will use data during the year to monitor growth in terms of the rate of increase shown at the district, school, classroom or student level. The data team is responsible for targeting the areas of needed improvement and working to address the specific issues related to those areas. The data team will identify additional “detective work” assessments needed to determine the root cause of the identified underperformance.
The Data Team Process Step 1 Collect and chart data Step 2Analyze strengths and obstacles Step 3Establish goals: set, review, revise Step 4Select instructional strategies Step 5Determine results indicators – The Leadership and Learning Center 2008
What is the problem? What does the data show? Why is this happening? Curriculum Issue? Instructional Issue? Student Issue? What is our plan? What are we going to do? What interventions are needed? How will we measure success? Implement the plan Who will do what, where, when, and how often? How will fidelity of implementation be determined? Did the plan work? What does the data show?
If less than 80% of students are successfully meeting academic or behavior goals, the intervention focus is on the core curriculum, INSTRUCTION, and general student population. If no more than 15% of students are not successful in meeting academic or behavior goals, the intervention is on small group ‘treatments’ or interventions. If no more than 5% of students are not successful in meeting academic or behavioral goals, the intervention focus in on the individual student. Source : Christ, T. (2008). Best practices in a problem analysis. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp ).
The Power of Common Assessments Schools with the greatest improvement in student achievement consistently used common assessments. – D. Reeves, Accountability in Action, 2004
Common Assessments Provide a degree of consistency Represent common, agreed-upon expectations Align with standards Help identify effective practices for replication Make data collection possible – The Leadership and Learning Center 2008
Progress Monitoring Progress monitoring is a scientifically based practice that is used to assess students academic performance and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. Progress monitoring can be implemented with individual students or an entire class. Common Formative Assessments Knowing students through assessments
Aimline= 1.50 words/week Trendline = 0.55 words/week Poor RTI Dr. George M. Batsche Co-Director, Institute for School Reform Florida Problem-Solving/RtI Statewide Project University of South Florida Tampa, Florida
Aimline= 1.50 words/week Trendline = words/week Positive RTI Dr. George M. Batsche Co-Director, Institute for School Reform Florida Problem-Solving/RtI Statewide Project University of South Florida Tampa, Florida
Fidelity Fidelity of implementation is the delivery of instruction in the way in which it was designed to be delivered. The Data Team should monitor the implementation of interventions to ensure instruction is happening appropriately.
Response to Intervention Process of aligning appropriate assessment with purposeful instruction for all students.
Resources The Leadership and Learning Center – The Center on Instruction – National Center on Response to Intervention – RTI Action Network –
Contact Information John Wight