Field Trip Tips 1)Prior Teacher Visit –Research the trip –Visit the site in person before the trip –Look for things that you think will wow the students –Take notes that will aid in creating a student worksheet –Create GeoCaching sites BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips What is GeoCaching? BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 1)Prior Teacher Visit –Personally meet with people that will be student contacts –Discuss your students Class type Grade level Appropriate behavior –Discuss your needs Plan or create curriculum BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 2) Plan the trip with all stakeholders –Ask for students input –Discuss ways to make the trip FUN! Plan scavenger hunts Have prizes for good work –Create grading and citizenship rubrics BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 2) Plan the trip with all stakeholders –Discuss what will happen if there is trouble Student behavior problems Emergencies –Have phone numbers needed BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 3) Create Prior Knowledge –Speak enthusiastically about your own visit (Rev ‘em up!) –Explain WHY we are going on the field trip –Make sure students understand needed vocabulary and subject matter Jeopardy Example BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 3) Create Prior Knowledge –Display or have students create maps of where they are going Create a connection between the student’s place and the new site. Allow students to orient themselves to a new place. Increase spatial perception ability BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 3) Create Prior Knowledge –Give students time for rehearsal runs of any work that will be done Run sample labs Run sample observational skill exercises Make sure you have enough equipment to make the trip enjoyable BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 4) Trip Logistics –Inform other teachers of who and when the event will take place –Inform other teachers of why you are going. Ask them to “talk it up” Create an atmosphere of interest BEFORE THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 1) Logistics –Make students write down on their worksheets meeting times –Make sure students know what to do in an emergency –Use maps and kiosks to orient students to the site –Have a manned “Safe Place” DURING THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 2) Have fun –Make the student worksheet interesting Use some questions that are “shocking” Use scavenger hunts –Helps eliminate copying –Have prizes GeoCaching Have a mixture of question difficulty levels. DURING THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 2) Have fun –Make the student worksheet interesting Allow student to pick and choose from a wide variety of questions. –True/False, Short Answer, Essay –Ask students to draw maps –Ask student to make labeled diagrams –Ask students to create photo essays –Open ended questions DURING THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 3) Have Reflection Time –Journal Entry Superlatives –What was the coolest? –What was the strangest? Allows time for students to “detox” before getting back on the bus DURING THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 1) Create Multimedia Presentations –All group members present –Offer prizes (student voted) Most creative Most informational AFTER THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 2) Data Analysis –Lab reports –Sharing of data Compare and contrast Ask why about differences Look for patterns and trends AFTER THE TRIP
Field Trip Tips 3) Open ended Reflections –Why did we visit the site? AFTER THE TRIP