FDR- Franklin Roosevelt The New Deal FDR- Franklin Roosevelt
FDR- President in 1932 The New Deal “Brain Trust” Made up of lawyers, professionals, and journalists- worked on programs to alleviate depression The New Deal Focuses on three main things Relief Economic recovery Financial reform
The 100 Days Over a hundred day period Congress passed more that 15 major New Deal legislations The Legislation expanded the federal governments role in the nations economy
Emergency Banking Relief Act EBRA Federal Program Business Assistance and Reform What was the immediate purpose? What was the long term goal? Emergency Banking Relief Act EBRA Authorized the treasury Dep. To inspect and close banks To restore public confidence in the banks Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933 Establish the FDIC Restore public confidence in the banks Federal Securities Act Require corporations to provide complete info. On stock offerings Restore public confidence in the stock market National Industrial Recovery Set prices, establish labor standards To ensure fair business practices and to promote industrial growth
Agricultural Adjustment Act Farm Relief/Rural Development What was the immediate purpose? What was its long term goal? Agricultural Adjustment Act AAA Paid farmers to lower production To raise crop prices and farmers income Tennessee Valley Authority TVA Built and repaired dams and other projects in Tenn. Valley To create prosperity in impoverished Tenn.
Civilian Conservation Corps CCC Employment Projects What was its immediate purpose What was its long term goal Civilian Conservation Corps CCC Put young men to work on railroad building and conservation projects To reduce employment Federal Emergency Relief Administration FERA Provide direct relief for the needy Provide basic needs hit hard by the Depression Public Works Administration PWA Provide money to states to create jobs To reduce unemployment Civil Works Administration CWA Provide 4 million jobs immediately
Home Owners Loan Corporation Housing What was the Immediate purpose? What was its long term goal? Home Owners Loan Corporation HOLC Provided government loans to homeowners who faced foreclosure To help families keep their homes
FDR- Fireside Chats FDR- had radio chats to let the American people know about issues of public concern to explain to them in clear simple language, what his new deal plans were. Do you think this helped FDR and the American people?
Result of the 100 days… Deficit spending- government spending more money than the revenues it receives Did the New Deal end the depression? Why didn’t the people blame FDR for ending the depression when they blamed Hoover?
Impact of the New Deal 1937- Congress urged cutting back New Deal Programs the result… Increase in unemployment Decrease in industrial production The New Deal and the Depression helped reduce suffering jobs, food, money Regain dignity
The New Deal Affects many Groups of the 1930’s Women Gains- women were appointed to important federal positions, slight increase in the # of women working outside the home Problems- discrimination in the workplace, low wages, discriminatory hiring practices
New Deal Affects… African Americans Gains- increased political voice through greater access to the president, organizations created for tenant farmers Problems- Segregation, violence, racism, discrimination in all areas of life, poll tax Political Realignment- African Americans left the Republican Party for the Democratic Party.
New Deal Affects… Labor Unions Gains- better working conditions, increased bargaining power, increase in union membership Problems- strikes, big business opposition to labor unions
New Deal Under Attack The American Liberty League Charles Couglin Opposed the New Deal believed that it violated respect for the rights of individuals and property Charles Couglin Dr. Francis Townsend Huey Long
Second New Deal The second Hundred Days The first two years of FDR’s presidency the economy had improved…BUT not enough! Unemployment remained high Production lagged More extensive relief was needed for farmers and workers
Protecting Workers Rights Wagner Act and Fair Labor Standards Act Set standards for wages, hours, banned child labor, ensured the right of workers to organize and bargain with Employers TODAYS IMPACT- National Labor Relations Board Act as a mediator in labor disputes between unions and employers
Banking and Finance Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Monitors the stock market and enforces laws of stocks and bonds Federal Deposit Insurance Corporations (FDIC) Savings and protection loss up to $100,000
Social and Environmental Effects Social Security Provides insurance program, unemployment compensation, aid to disabled, and families with dependent children * Framers of this Act saw it primarily as a relief bill Farming Agricultural price supports