J. A. Sacco
Key to Washington’s foreign policy is ? The greatest challenge to Washington's Presidency and foreign policy was the French Revolution.
How was the French Revolution a major event in determining foreign policy during Washington’s Presidency? The Reign of Terrorof
FederalistsDemocratic- Republicans Washington, Hamilton, Adams Believed the French Revolution went too far Pro- British Jefferson, Madison Must honor the treaty with France signed during the American Revolution Pro-French French Revolution emerges as a European war between the French Republic and the monarch of England.
U.S. caught in middle between war of France and Britain Both nations attack our ships on the high seas, doesn’t recognize U.S. freedom of the seas British impressment of American sailors Washington issues The Proclamation of Neutrality !
American neutrality tested early on! Citizen Genet Affair (1793) The Jay Treaty (1794) The Pinckney Treaty (1795)
Ambassador from France who was not recognized by the U.S. Broke protocol and tried to break U.S. neutrality by trying to gain American support for war against Britain
Problems with Britain in Northwest Territory and the high seas Br. Supply native Americans in west British still had soldiers in NW Territory Violate U.S. neutrality/Impressment of U.S. sailors
U.S. Reaction?
Spain fear U.S./British alliance. WHY? U.S. gains use of Miss. R/Avoid problems with Spain
Washington’s Farewell Address Warnings?