Educational copying of TV: As much as you want, whenever you want, and free resources to help you? Too good to be true? Presented by Simon Lake CEO, Screenrights
2 The education licence Copy programs from free-to-air and cable TV “Communicate” these programs: –putting a programs on a cache – ing excerpts –and streaming the program
3 All you can watch A set $ rate for 4-5 years for universities, schools and TAFES Institutions can copy and communicate as much as they want in this period
4 EnhanceTV Answers 3 questions: 1.What is on TV in my subject area 2.How do I teach it 3.Where do I get a copy of the program
5 Website Newsletters
6 Enhance tv has over a million dollars of free content which educators can use 21 learning areas Over 450 study guides 60 Feature articles Access to 30,000 titles
7 And the future? Will audio-visual copyright owners be able to choose how their works are used in the future? Creative Commons Open Source models Direct licence-itunes
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