Planet Earth Creation
Question 1 God created the world in: 7 days 6 days 5 days
Question 2 What was there before God started creating? Water Sand Nothing
Question 3 What did God create first? Light Sky Land
Question 4 What animals were formed first? Lions Birds Sea life
Question 5 What did God say to the human beings? Go and achieve Be responsible Make money
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Woo Hoo!!!! Back
Learning Objectives Know the Christian beliefs about how life began.
Task - Timeline of Events To start with - Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. On day one God created light. He separated light from dark. He called the light day and the dark night. On day two God created sky to separate the water under sky from the water above sky. He named sky the Heavens On day three God created land called earth. The water around it was called the ocean. God commanded the earth to grow up seed-bearing plants and fruit bearing trees, and it did. On day four God commanded the lights to mark days, years and seasons. God made two big lights, one for the day and one for the night and he made the stars and put them in the sky. On day five God commanded sea life to swarm the ocean and birds to fly over the earth. God created many species of bird and sea life. He commanded them to prosper and reproduce. On day six God commanded the earth to generate every kind of living thing. He also created human beings, male and female in His image. He commanded them to take charge and be responsible for all life. On the seventh day God looked at everything He had created. It was good, it was so good. He rested.
Creation with a difference… On day five God commanded sea life to swarm the ocean and birds to fly over the earth. God created many species of bird and sea life. He commanded them to prosper and reproduce. On day six God commanded the earth to generate every kind of living thing. He also created human beings, male and female in His image. He commanded them to take charge and be responsible for all life. Imagine no human beings were created…what might God’s creation have become? What might have happened next without us?