Get with the Programme Getting with God’s programme for the world
Get with the Programme
7 days of creation/week 7 x 1,000 year periods 7 year cycle (sabbatical/ shemitah) 7x7s is a Jubilee year 7 Feasts of the Lord 7 Blood Moon series
Get with the Programme Sun 13 th Sept 29 Elul (last day of the Shemitah year) 29 Elul (last day of the Shemitah year) Solar eclipse Solar eclipse Erev Rosh Hoshanah Erev Rosh Hoshanah
Get with the Programme Mon 14 th Sept Rosh Hoshanah/ Rosh Hoshanah/ Feast of Trumpets Feast of Trumpets Jewish New Year Jewish New Year (6,000 th year?) (6,000 th year?) Anno Lucis Anno Lucis
Get with the Programme Tues 15 th Sept 70 th Session of UN general assembly 70 th Session of UN general assembly
Get with the Programme Wed 23 rd Sept Yom Kippur/ Yom Kippur/ Day of Atonement Day of Atonement 70 th Jubilee year 70 th Jubilee year CERN (Large Hadron CERN (Large Hadron Collider) Collider) Pope visit to White Pope visit to White House House
Get with the Programme Thurs 24 th Sept Pope will address Pope will address US Congress US Congress
Get with the Programme Fri 25 th Sept Pope will address the UN General Assembly Pope will address the UN General Assembly
Get with the Programme Mon 28 th Sept Sukkot/ Sukkot/ Feast of Tabernacles Feast of Tabernacles Final blood moon Final blood moon
Get with the Programme God is trying to get our ATTENTION!
Get with the Programme What do we do? For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)