SPIRITUAL RESTORATION 2 CORINTHIANS 4:6 The 7 days of CreationThe 7 men of Restoration In Genesis LightAbel SeparationEnoch Dry Land and PlantsNoah Sun, Moon and StarsAbraham Fowls and FishIsaac Land Animals and MankindJacob / Israel RestJoseph
DAY 1: LET THERE BE LIGHT The first thing in restoration is bringing light to the matter. 1Jn 1: Blaming others only keeps us in darkness Abel’s offering the lamb was to bring light and to reconcile with God Gen 4:4. A more excellent sacrifice Heb 11:4
DAY 2: LET THERE BE A FIRMAMENT Firmament was to separate the waters above from below. In order to restore something back to order we need to separate from the source of evil. The only real way to do it is to separate ourselves to God Enoc shows this principle Gen 5: To please God is the goal Heb 11:5-6
DAY 3: LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR …, PLANTS… The waters were covering the land Restoration requires a solid, dry ground to establish a sure foundation to restart Noah shows a new beginning after the Flood. Gen cp 6-9 The fear of The Lord is a strong foundation. Heb 11:7
DAY 4: LET THERE BE LIGHTS IN THE FIRMAMENT… The sun, moon and stars were created to separate day and night, and to know the seasons and years. We need Christ, the church and the faithful ones to help us find His will for us. Abram=exalted father, Abraham=father of multitudes. Pride doesn’t let us be restored. God humbled Abram and Sarai, making them Abraham and Sarah. Obedience is the way of humility Heb 11:8; Php 2:5-11
DAY 5: FISH AND BIRDS Fish speak about inheritance in this world Birds speak about inheritance in heaven. Restoration is a change of values, from the empty things of this world to the abundance that God gives. Isaac is the heir of all things. Heb 11:17-18 he blessed his sons vs. 20
DAY 6: TERRESTRIAL ANIMALS AND MANKIND Animal life represents the unregenerated nature, unable to fellowship with God Adam and Eve represent the new creation, those who can fellowship with God. Jacob was transformed by God’s grace from a cheater into God’s prince. Jacob worshipped 11:21
DAY 7: GOD RESTED God’s rest means He was completely satisfied with His Work, not that He got tired Joseph after many trials and temptations brought rest to his entire family in the land of Egypt Finding God’s peace in a new life-style is the proof restoration. Joseph gave instructions about his bones Heb 11:22