Chapter 23 Medicines and Drugs Lesson Three Marijuana, Inhalants, and Steroids Pgs
Marijuana Marijuana is the common name for the Indian hemp plant, cannabis Cannabis is a plant whose leaves, buds, and flowers are usually smoked for their intoxicating effects
Marijuana Marijuana is one of the most widely used illegal drugs It is also known as grass, weed, and pot All forms of marijuana are mind altering and can damage the user’s health When combined with other drugs and substances, marijuana can be deadly
Marijuana Marijuana raises levels of the brain chemical called dopamine, which produces a pleasurable feeling In some users they feel elation of and intense feeling of well-being When the drug wears off, the sensation stops, sometimes abruptly-called a crash Marijuana contains more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco
Health Risks of Marijuana Hallucinations and paranoia Impaired short-term memory ad concentration Distorted sense of time, sight, touch, and sound Decreased initiative and ambition Bloodshot eyes Dry mouth Lung Irritations Heart and lung damage Increased risk of lung cancer
Health Risks of Marijuana Weakened immunity Increased appetite leading to weight gain Increased risk of birth defects if pregnant Changed hormone levels affecting normal development in teens Increased testosterone levels in females which can lead to infertility Lowered sperm count and testosterone levels in males
Mental/Emotional Health Consequences of Marijuana Slower mental reflexes Feelings of anxiety Paranoia: an irrational suspiciousness or distrust of others Distorted perceptions and trouble thinking
Risks and Consequences of DUI DUI of marijuana can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol The consequences of DUI include: suspension of driver’s license, fines, possible jail time, and increased insurance rates If injury or death results the impaired driver may face serious legal prosecution
Inhalants Inhalants are substances whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to achieve a mind- altering effect Inhalants include glues, spray paints, gasoline, and varnishes Inhalants go immediately to the brain, causing damage and killing cells Inhalants can cause sudden death by cardiac arrest
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Steroids are synthetic substances that are similar to the male sex hormone testosterone Anabolic means muscle building Androgenic refers to increased male characteristics Steroid use causes mood swings, increased aggression, impaired judgment, infertility, acne, and paranoia
Legal and Social Consequences of Steroid Use Unless prescribed by a licensed physician, steroid use is illegal Muscle strength is increased, but ligaments and tendons are not which leads to injuries Athletes who fail drug testing for steroids can face exclusion from an event, expulsion from the team, fines, and jail time