Operation Transformation 7 Things We Can Do.
Bring Back the Scales Children to be weighed each year at school Everyone to be weighed at each GP visit Everyone to be weighed at each hospital visit
Step It Up All parents should know exactly how much exercise their children need to do on a daily basis This should be presented to parents in a way that is easy to understand and easy to monitor
Fruit At The Check Out High sugar confectionary and drinks to be replaced with fruit at the checkout in shops and supermarkets
Food Education Cooking lessons to be given to children at school Every child should leave the education system knowing how to cook a number of basic but nutritionally balanced meals
Fit at School, Fit for Life 100 extra PE teachers to support primary level schools across the country For PE to be taken seriously at second level give it points on the Leaving Cert.
Count Me In Display calorie content of food and drinks beside the price on menu boards
Treat the Cause not the Symptoms Prescribe Weight Loss Not Just Medication
7 Point Plan Bring back the scales Step It Up Fruit at the Check Out Food Education Fit at School, Fit for Life Count Me In Treat the cause not the symptom