PRESENTATIO N SKILLS Presented by Lauren Daniels Shikaya 21 June 2012
PURPOSE 0 …to assist the participant in understanding basic presentation skills and methodologies 0 …to assist the participant in utilising basic presentation skills and methodologies
OUTCOMES 0 Researching and planning the content 0 Preparing and organising material 0 Applying technical presentation techniques 0 Displaying optimal presentation skills 0 Performing self-monitoring 0 Determining and measuring the outcome
AN INTERESTING TIP... KISS! Remember KISS! Keep It short and simple ++ Major point + supporting fact + suggestion= MESSAGE SUCCESSFULLY DELIVERED!
THE PLANNING STAGE 0 Analysing the audience 0 Determining the purpose 0 Preparing the topic 0 Organising the presentation 0 Preparing visual aids 0 Preparing the venue 0 Rehearsing the presentation
HERE’S A FEW MORE... SIGNPOST! Guide your audience through your presentation – take them on a journeyPRACTISE! MONITOR YOUR TIME Build confidence, reduce anxiety and MONITOR YOUR TIME
THE DELIVERY STAGE 0 Preparing yourself 0 PowerPoint tips 0 Delivering the presentation 0 Voice 0 Eye Contact 0 Gestures 0 Posture
ANOTHER GOOD TIP... Your group could consist of a PowerPoint fundi, a brilliant speaker or an avid researcher + Your strength + Group cohesion= A SUCCESSFUL PRESENTATION
THE DELIVERY STAGE cont. 0 Presentation tips and techniques 0 Answering questions 0 Evaluating the presentation
TO SUM IT ALL UP… 0 Prepare 0 Start with a bang 0 Be upbeat 0 Be picture perfect 0 Don’t drone 0 Make it real 0 Remember and respect your audience 0 Monitor your time 0 Get feedback 0 Close with clarity