10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING2 INTRODUCTION Nano means m Nano sized products Conventional products Compact with good strength
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING3 NANO IN VARIOUS FIELDS Advanced Materials Electronics, information technologies and communications industries Medical, Pharmaceutical, and health Aerospace, automotive and appliance industries
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING4 NOVEL PRODUCTS Sintering of nanoceramics and nanocomposites by plasma pressure compaction Nanomanipulator systems Molded nanocomposites for automotive parts Abrasion resistant and hermetic nanocomposite coatings Probe array nanofabrication Nanocoated self-cleaning glass
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING5 Sintering of nanoceramics and nanocomposites New powder consolidation technique Plasma pressure compaction P2C Its advantages Reduction in processing temperature, reduces oxygen and other gas contaminations Joining of dissimilar materials
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING6 P2C device
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING7 Nanomanipulator systems Precision alignment 4 degree of freedom Full 6 degree of freedom Nano testing rigs
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING8 A nanomanipulator system
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING9 Molded nanocomposites for automotive parts Thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) used in composites New semectite clay fillers 1nm thick & nm long is used Its advantages 20% weight saving, stiffness ( )MPa Improved thermal & mechanical properties
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING10 Composite Piston
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING11 Abrasion resistant and hermetic nanocomposite coatings Having superior abrasion resistance With stand mechanical injuries and chemical actions Its applications Food & beverage packing Pharmaceutical purposes
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING12 Probe array nanofabrication Indentations of dia 10nm at frequencies khz to mhz Advantages Accurate leveling Reversible erasing and rewriting capabilities High density data storage
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING13 Nanocoated self-cleaning glass Hydrophilic cleaning Photo catalytic cleaning
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING14 MANUFACTURING NEEDS Material manipulation and control for creating nanosystems Material development Scale-up and integration with micro and macro systems Tools for manufacturing Tools for measurement and standards Model development & Safety
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING15 Material manipulation and control Positioning, dispersion, orientation & self-assembling of molecules Synthesis and fabrication of 1D, 2D, 3D, molecular assemblies Packing and transporting nano materials & building blocks Self-assembling of building blocks into functional devices & systems
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING16 Material development Developing new nano manufacturing techniques Stimulation methods of process To monitor size, shape, poly dispersity & surface features of nano structures
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING17 Tools for manufacturing Technologies for processing of non- conducting and compliment surfaces Developing and applying replication methods Manipulation & locomotion of building,uses of nano robots Developing of versatile assembling and separation processes for nano structures. Techniques for cost effectiveness in manufacturing
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING18 Tools for measurement and standards Technologies for characterization of nano partials Coding into information database Measurement and control of surface properties In-process sensing and monitoring technologies Accounting for the board complexity of problems Nano scale sensing, tools, real-time, control algorithms
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING19 Model development & Safety Tools for modeling and stimulation Under standing modeling and control of the health Safety and environmental aspects of nano particle processing Nano manufactured product service.
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING20 CONCLUDING REMARKS To achieve prescribed performance Highly efficient manufacturing process Enabling new products and services in economically
10/3/2006NANO MANUFACTURING22 REFERENCES 1. 1.Komanduri R, Chen J, Malshe A, Doumanidis C, Rajurkar K, “NSF-EC Workshop on Nano manufacturing and Processing: A Summary Report”, Proc. Of SPIE Vol. 4936, Holmes M.L, Trumper D.L, Hocken R.J, “Atomic-Scale Precision Motion Control Stage –The Angstrom Stage”, CIRP Annals Vol. 44 No. 1, Wulf M, Wehling A, Reis O, “Coatings with self- cleaning properties”, Macromol. Symp. Vol. 187, Southern Clay Products, “New Material Moves from Research to Production; Strong,Lightweight Nanocomposites Are The Future of Automotive Plastics”,