Calistoga Joint Unified School District Measure “A” Citizens’ Oversight Committee Meeting December 19, 2012
1 Program Progress The team is continuing closeout activities for the elementary library modernization project The high school increment 1 project was completed with no change orders The team finalized value engineering efforts required for the high school gym and sitework projects and is continuing these efforts for the high school multipurpose project The Board approved the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the high school gym and sitework projects The team identified the required consultants for the high school projects, including the Inspector of Record, geotechnical engineer, and the special testing agency The team has completed the requested clarifications from the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) regarding the State grant funding application for the elementary school and will continue to monitor State Allocation Board (SAB) approval
2 Elementary Solar
3 Elementary Classroom Modernization
4 Elementary Library
5 High School Increment 1 (site work)
6 Program Expenditures (as of October 31, 2012)
7 The Look Ahead The team to execute construction contract with Blach Construction for the high school gym and sitework The construction contract for the high school photovoltaic project will be presented at the January Board meeting The team is exploring alternate construction models for the multi-purpose building, including a building with prefabricated wall panels, to ensure the project is completed within budget despite escalating construction costs The team will monitor State Allocation Board (SAB) approval date The Oversight Committee to commence preparation of Measure “A” Annual Report to the Community