prokaryotic Monera Animalia plantea Eukaryotic Protista Fungi
Monera Monera is a taxonomic group in biological classification originally understood as one of the five biological kingdoms.Sometimes called as prokaryota or prokaryotae. Originates from the primitive of life known as progenote Examples of this kingdom are bacteria, cyanobacteria, mycoplasma,ect. And they are present in everywhere.
MYAERAPERIOD DOMINANT LIFE FORM 2Quaternary Age of angiosperms 65CenozoicTertiary 150Cretaceous Rise of angiosperms 200Jurassic Age of cycads 250MesozoicTriassic Rise of cycadophytes 300Permian Rise of conifers 350Carboniferous Age of lycopods, ferns, sphenopsids; Rise of mosses 400Devonian Age of vascular plants; 1st seed plants 450Silurian 1st vascular plants 500Ordovician Age of eukaryotic algae 600Cambrian Rise of eukaryotic algae and fungi 4500Precambrian Rise of prokaryotes More conventional geologic time table
TEM of dividing cell No nucleus No chloroplasts No mitochondria They are ancient life forms known as bacteria What are PROKARYOTES?
Archaebacteria (the ancient type) are the oldest prokaryotes. Their characteristic feature is the absence of peptidoglycan in the cell wall and the presence of the proteins and polysaccharides. Eubacteria (the true type) are characterized by how they metabolize resources, their means of motility, and their shape. Two types of monera ArchaebacteriaEubacteria
Archaebacteria Methanogens Extreme Thermophiles Extreme HalophilesEubacteria Cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria (Blue- green algae) Gram negative bacteria Gram positive bacteria Example of the two bacteria
Three basics shapes of the eubacteria c.Spirillium (spiral) a.Cocci (spherical) b.Bacillus (rod shape)
Eubacteria is further devided into two, bacteria and caynobacteria BACTERIA are the organisms which belongs to kingdom monera have cell wall made of peptidoglycan, cannot be seen in naked eye and lack membrane bound organelles. CYANOBACTERIA are also know as blue green algae, they are also gram positive prokaryotes. They are hpotosnthetic and have pigments like chorophyll, along with phycobillins
Decaying garbage Helping us in digesting our food Making milk Midicines Antibiotic Functions of monera
Thank you!! From dho and jeh