Computer Music Technology
Course 1 st Year ICM & Programming 2 nd Year A. Music Programming & A. Programming 3 rd Year Generative Music (& Project ?)
It’s a Technical Course! How the software makes sound How musicians use software Programming will show how software is made in general Emphasis is on you to connect these
Aims To prepare students for possible jobs: In the music industry In the software industry Anything in between
This Year Introduction to Computer Music 3 hrs per week (plus) Programming 4 hrs per week (plus)
Intro to Computer Music How to use a sequencer/plug-ins Understand acoustics/digital audio/music theory Composition How musicians will use software
Intro to Computer Music Technical stuff: necessary for creating music s/w useful/essential to producers
Work Scheme Includes: Use of sequencer/sampler/synth/effects/audio processing MIDI/acoustics/sounds signals/digital audio Music theory basics: scales/time signatures Analysis of tracks: structure
Assessment 70% Portfolio 30% Multiple Choice Exam
Portfolio Do 3 pieces of music (40%) Each showing different technical abilities Group work/individual work Hand in at least 2 pieces 2 practical assignments (10%) 1 written assignment (20%)
Emphasis On You! Lots of work (making music) outside of lab sessions! New area! Lots to be explored! Logic is a good sequencer doesn’t crash much full control via MIDI
Minimal Equipment No studio No monitors Get headphones (and converters) MIDI keyboards, mics, a few toys
First Two Lab Sessions Logic training All going to make the same piece of music In order to demonstrate: how to work with the s/w how to organise projects various techniques/tools
What? Name. What music you are into.? Do you use a sequencer? Have you done any music training? Do you play an instrument? DJ? Etc. Do you do stuff live? Play in a orchestra?