Inflammation Due To RA
Normal Joint Bone
Normal Joint Bone Synovium
Normal Joint Bone Synovium Cartilage
Rheumatoid Arthritis Bone Destruction Synovial Inflammation
T helper Cells??
Th17 Cells
In Rheumatoid Arthritis, Do Th17 Cells play a major role in osteoclast differentiation in vivo?
Can osteoclast differentiation be induced in vitro by Th17 via RANK/RANKL mechanism?
Kim et al (2012)
Kim et al (2012) RANKL
Kim et al (2012) RANKL Vitamin D
Kim et al (2012) RANKL Vitamin D 3 FOLD
Quantitative PCR After Reaction with RANKL
Quantitative PCR After Reaction with RANKL RT-PCR / Sybr Green TRAP RNA GAPDH reference gene
Since TRAP protein is only produced in osteoclasts, it can be used to measure differentiation.
Kim et al
% of GAPDH
Kim et al % of GAPDH Reduced Osteoclast Differentiation
Kim et al NO RANKL Reduced RANK expression
Kim et al Reduced RANK expression Reduction
Proposed Experiment T helper Cells
Proposed Experiment T helper Cells Vitamin D
Can osteoclast differentiation be induced in vitro by Th17 via RANK/RANKL mechanism? -Th17 in synovium -Capable of inducing differentiation via RANKL/Rank -Kim et al showed that Vitamin D inhibits via RANK
In Rheumatoid Arthritis, Do Th17 Cells play a major role in osteoclast differentiation in vivo? Use T cell specific RANKL knockout mice.