Andromeda Galaxy – Galaxy closest to ours 2.5 Million light year away
Intro to astronomy youtube zppIMhttp:// zppIM
Light year Distance Light travels in one year in a vacuum Equals 300,000 km/sec or 186,000 mi/sec A light year is about 6 trillion miles long
Crab nebula
Universe Current Theory of Origin Big Bang Universe started as an extremely dense single point and exploded outward Age - 10 – 16 Billion Years
Big Bang Evidence 1. Cosmic Background Radiation – Residual energy (or faint microwave radiation) found all over in space due to the cooling of the fireball
N5tlIhttp:// N5tlI my/21st-century-astro3/astrotours.aspxhttp:// my/21st-century-astro3/astrotours.aspx
Doppler Effect
Big Bang Evidence 2.Red shift of all galaxies Galaxies are moving away from us
Shifted toward the longer wavelength Shifted toward the red Galaxies are moving away, therefore universe is still expanding Wavelengths are longer Wavelengths are shorter
Doppler Effect
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