Physical Science Semester 2 Unit 6 – Earth and Space Physical Science Semester 2
5/15/14 Entry Task What do you know about the development of the universe across time? Consult your neighbor and write down everything you know.
Today’s Agenda Read pages 712-716 “Telescopes, EM Waves, and Spacecraft.” Answer #5-10 on page 717. Read pages 725-730 “Theories of the Universe.” Answer #1-10 on page 731.
5/15/14 Exit Task Describe one way astronomers use EM waves in their study of the universe.
5/16/14 Entry Task Say Something Nice HOMEWORK: Read pages 712-716 “Telescopes, EM Waves, and Spacecraft.” Answer #5-10 on page 717. Read pages 725-730 “Theories of the Universe.” Answer #1-10 on page 731. Due Tuesday.
Today’s Agenda Watch Cosmos Episode 5 NOTES: WHO discovered WHAT WHEN the discovery was made and WHERE HOW this discovery advanced SCIENCE and the study of LIGHT Start Concept Map of vocabulary for Unit 6
5/19/14 Week of 5/19 to 5/23 Entry Task Describe one way astronomers use EM waves in their study of the universe. HINT: Chapter 28 in the textbook.
Today’s Agenda Watch Mythbusters. Take notes. Turn in notes at the end of class for credit.
5/19/14 Exit Task Describe one thing in detail you learned today from Mythbusters.
5/19/14 Exit Task Explain how one scientist’s work contributed to today’s study of astronomy. CHOICES: Mo Tzu, Ibin Alhazan, Isaac Newton, William Hershel
5/20/14 Entry Task Write down your Unit 5 test percent. Reflections required for 60% or below. Will you be doing a reflection? Explain your reasons! Trade and Grade homework TOMORROW! HOMEWORK: Read pages 712-716 Answer #5-10 on page 717. Read pages 725-730. Answer #1-10 on page 731.
Today’s Agenda Review answers to test and complete reflections. Share and turn in your notes Cosmos #5 LIGHT.
5/20/14 Exit Task Will you need to check out a test tonight to complete a reflection? REFLECTIONS for Unit 5 TEST DUE TOMORROW!!
5/21/14 Entry Task What is the big bang theory? Watch a simulation Discuss HW and turn in if you have not… TURN IN YOUR REFLECTIONS FROM UNIT 5 TEST!
Today’s Agenda Share and turn in your notes Cosmos #5 LIGHT. Handout Unit 6 Vocabulary Group the following words into THREE categories: Universe Our Solar System Earth Keep these words until the end of the unit…
Unit 6 Vocabulary Evolution of the universe Star life cycle Nuclear fusion Big Bang theory Sun Planets Galaxies Biogeochemical cycles Evolution of the Earth Rock formations Erosion Deposition Energy transfers/transformations Climate change Global warming Carbon Nitrogen Geologic time Atmospheric changes Radioactive decay Volcanoes Floods Glaciers Fossils Tsunamis
JIGSAW – each group will learn and then teach a different section… PBS Timeline of the UNIVERSE NASA WMAP’s UNIVERSE Big Bang Universe Shaped Basic Elements Radiation Era Matter Domination Era Stars and Galaxies Form Big Bang Theory-> theory Big Bang Theory-> concepts Big Bang Tests -> Elements Big Bang Tests -> Cosmic Microwaves Big Bang Tests-> Expansion Beyond Big Bang -> Structures Related Topics -> First Objects Most recent evidence
5/21/14 Exit task Explain the key idea you learned today from the article you read about the Big Bang Theory.
5/22/14 Entry Task What is a star life cycle?
Today’s Agenda Finish Cosmos #5: LIGHT Share notes. Turn them in. Start Concept Map of vocabulary for Unit 6 INSTRUCTIONS: Concept maps are hierarchical with the bigger categories on top and details towards the bottom. Connect the concepts with lines. Write phrases on the lines to explain the relationship. NOTE: this is a form of PRE-ASSESSMENT. I don’t expect you’ll know all the answers