Starter: STAAR REVIEW PRE- TEST 2/23/ Big Bang Lab 2/23/2015 Application/Connection/ Exit: LAB goes here once graded and returned! Big Bang Lab Practice: Draw that picture and explain what is happening
February 23, 2014 AGENDA Objective 8.8E Research how scientific data are used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe reading and writing while completing activity and lab 1. Pre-Test 2.Activity 3. Lab
DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page Table of Contents 1/26 Wind, Climate, and Ocean Currents /27 Convection and Ocean Currents /28 Fronts and Air Masses /29 Pressure and Atmospheric Movement /2 Weather Walk Lab /3 Severe Weather and Precipitation /5 Rotation, Revolution, and seasons /6 Seasons Lab /9 Moon Phases and Eclipses /10 Moon Phase Graphic Organizer /11 Lunar Lollipops /12 Tides Notes /13 Tides Activity /17 Early Astronomers /18 Light Years /20 Formation of the Universe /23 Big Bang Lab
APPLICATION, CONNECTION, EXIT LAB goes here once graded and returned!
Starter: STAAR REVIEW PRE- TEST 2/23/ Big Bang Lab 2/23/2015 Application/Connection/ Exit: LAB goes here once graded and returned! Big Bang Lab Practice: Draw that picture and explain what is happening