Qualifications frameworks and qualifications standards Bryan Maguire Quality and Qualifications Ireland Conference on National Qualifications Framework Astana, June 8-9, 2015
2 Overview Qualifications frameworks Quality assurance Learning outcomes as the key organising construct Linking learning outcomes with quality assurance
Dublin Descriptors knowledge and understanding applying knowledge and understanding making judgements communications skills learning skills
Learning outcomes Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate at the end of a period of learning. They are explicit statements about the outcomes of learning – the results of learning. They are usually defined in terms of a mixture of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and understanding that an individual will attain as a result of his or her successful engagement in a particular set of higher education experiences. In reality, they represent much more than this. They exemplify a particular methodological approach for the expression and description of the curriculum (modules, units and qualifications) and levels, cycles, subject/sectoral statements and the ‘new style’ Bologna qualifications frameworks. 4
5 Learning outcomes as shared language among stakeholders Are they necessary pedagogically? Are they necessary politically? Actors Higher education institutions Academic staff Academic governance Institutional management Learners Employers Policy makers
6 Mechanisms of linking quality with qualifications Standard setting Accreditation/validation of programmes Internal or external Research/evaluation activities Sharing of good practice through documentation, conferences, formal staff development programmes, etc.
7 Standard setting Programme Institutional Sectoral National European
8 Programme design Specify learning outcomes for programme Specify assessment processes linked with learning outcomes Identify learning opportunities, resources and pedagogic practices supporting the achievement of learning outcomes Link module outcomes to programme outcomes
9 Programme accreditation Based on interrogation of programme design by peers Probe the identification of learning outcomes Probe the alignment of assessment and pedagogy with outcomes
10 An example: transition to NFQ awards in Irish HEIs HETAC - a “big-bang” approach in Spring 2004 All programmes (1000 approx) were migrated to the framework Programme team identified learning outcomes in their own programme and mapped these against the framework award-type descriptors Verified by institution’s academic council Audited by HETAC review panels
12 Outcomes Worked surprisingly well Non-trivial understanding of NFQ and learning outcomes penetrated deep into the system Disciplinary language fleshed out descriptors Strong basis for subsequent programmatic review and new programme development Revised pedagogic and assessment approaches followed More gradual approaches in other systems
National standards/guidelines HE UK subject benchmark statements 70+ subjects at bachelors, few masters HETAC standards Broad fields, e.g. business, science, art and design Professional standards agreed with regulatory bodies, e.g. nursing, architecture 13
Another Irish approach Further Education and Training Awards Council Common Awards System 2008 Detailed mapping of former qualifications 220 major awards at EQF levels component, supplemental and special purpose awards Major awards constructed from components Detailed standards specified at component level
19 Sources for discipline specific learning outcomes Tuning QAA benchmarks Professional & regulatory bodies (domestic and foreign) Euro professional projects (sometimes overlapping with Tuning) e.g. Chemistry Eurochem ( Polifonia Europsy ( Engineering EURACE ( QQI standards: Further education and training QQI Higher education and training - awards and standards: Tricia Harris – a teacher learns