Water Framework Directive and the SRDP Jannette MacDonald Land Unit, SEPA.


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Presentation transcript:

Water Framework Directive and the SRDP Jannette MacDonald Land Unit, SEPA

WFD aim;  integrated protection, improvement and sustainable use of Europe’s water environment. By;  Cyclical River Basin Management Planning – characterisation, monitoring, setting objectives, programme of measures  Protected Areas include Natura 2000, Bathing Waters, Shellfish Waters, Drinking waters, Nitrate Vulnerable Zones  Also need to integrate into other policies.

Water Quality in Scotland  Generally good quality providing drinking water, supporting salmon and shell fisheries, recreation, agriculture and wildlife  35% at less than good status - main pollution pressure – diffuse sources from rural land use  Scottish objectives  Significant improvements by 2015  98% in good condition by 2027

WFD requires a ‘Programme of measures’ to achieve objectives  statutory baseline of good practice - GBRs  SRDP options e.g. water margins, small scale arable reversion to grassland To achieve the environmental objectives described in the River Basin Management Plans these options needs to be implemented in priority catchments – SRDP key measure

Current SRDP impact  Some potentially useful options including biodiversity and forestry - if in the right place with wide catchment coverage  National target for water  But current levels and fragmented of uptake mean no impact on water quality

For the next SRDP to deliver we need;  Options review – evidence base and multiple benefits  Targeting supported by mapping (national and regional) of policy priorities/outcomes  Catchment scale view required - opportunity mapping  Catchment coverage – coordination and cooperation  On farm risk assessments/plans  One to one advice  Flexibility in measures design  Simplify e.g. remove packages  Payment for ecosystem services

Significant potential for multiple benefits Water quality improvement - socio-economic benefits for Scotland plc Farm and forestry business benefit – efficiency and resource use. Additional benefits for climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity and habitat connectivity, soil quality and natural flood management

Options review for water quality Need a list of options for each outcome - climate change, biodiversity etc with a view to combining and short-listing the most cost-effective? Objective Water Quality OptionEvidence base? TargetingMultiple benefits Reduce nutrients Nutrient management No Slow run-offSmall scale woodland creation yes

Potential Multiple Benefits Priorities will vary spatially – needs mapping and debate Example Measure/ multiple benefit Climate change mitigation Climate change adaptation Food production Bio- diversity Diffuse pollution Flood mgment Recreation and human health LandscapeSoil Protection Nutrient mgmt Woods Wetlands Buffer strips Soil structure X X ?