Implementation of the water framework directive Global testing of the three step approach to a river basin
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 2
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 3 The Sèvre Nantaise river basin n 2370 km 2 n habitants n Drinking water : 10.6 Mm3/year, 3 dams + importation n Irrigation : 12 Mm 3 per year n Industry : 96 main industries n fishing, boats, tourism
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 4 What is expected ? n Feasability of the method ? n Data availability ? n Lessons and limits of the case study ?
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 5 The method Baseline scenario till 2015 = basic measures = scenario 1 Case n°1 : No gap from good water status : scénario 1 Case n°2: Gap Supplementary measures Case n°2 : no disproportionate costs scenario 2 Case n°3 : disproportionate costs scenario 3
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 6 Scenario 1 = basic measures n Depollution in livestock farms n Urban depollution ( carbon pollution) n Increase of stream during dry season n Zones of protection for drinking water Cost = 6.1 million € per year
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 7 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 + n Extending protected zones n Treatment of phosphorus and nitrates n Treatment of bacteriological pollution n Grass belts n Restoration and preservation of rivers n Developing tourism Cost = 17.6 million € per year
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 8 Scenario 3 = «reduced» scenario 2 Supplementary measures are limited to drinking water protection Scénario 1 + n Extending protected zones n Treatment of phosphorus and nitrates n Grass belts n Cost = 8.3 million € per year
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 9 Profits : drinking water treatment, fishing With bad assessment of non marketable profits
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 10 Rate of cost recovery (without environmental and non marketable costs)
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 11 Limits and lessons (1/2) n Heterogenity of data : geographical scale and reliability n Unavailable data : on unitary benefits, water pricing for industry n Lack on monetarized data for both environmental costs and benefits
Mars DCE/analyse économique - 12 Limits and lessons (2/2) n The link between technical and economic activities needs to be strengthened n The scoping activity doesn’t allow to test comprehension and acceptability of local stakeholders