Limiting the Effects of Natural Disasters
Mudslides and Flooding Venezuela's worst natural disaster in a century killed over 20,000 people, December 15-20, 1999 Caused over $2 billion in damage
Flooding Greatest flooding in 500 years hit Argentina's north-central region in April and May, 2003 Over 20 deaths and more than 100,000 people displaced $1 billion in damage Cost to Santa Fe farmers about $200 million
Drought By early 2006, Brazil's worst drought in 40 years had affected hundreds of thousands of people across 7 states World's largest rainforest was severely damaged Fresh, clean drinking water became scarce Millions of fish died
Wildfires Brazil's drought brought intense wildfires September 28, 2005 July 24, 2005
Severe Winds Hurricane force winds destroyed infrastructure in Montevideo and several departments on August 23, people died Nearly 1,000 families had no drinking water Thousands of homes damaged
Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
Algeria Argentina Australia Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Belize Brazil Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chile China Congo, Republic of the Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Egypt European Commission Finland France Germany Greece Guinea-Bissau Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea, Republic of Latvia Luxembourg Malaysia Mali Mauritius Mexico Moldova Morocco Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Niger Nigeria Norway Paraguay Philippines Portugal Russian Federation Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Thailand Tunisia Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan 68 Countries and the European Commission 46 Organizations
Predictions, Warnings, Validation Decision-Making, Implementation Global Societal Benefits Preparation, Response, Mitigation GEONETCast
Applications, Products, Model Output GEONETCast Global Observations Climate Sea Surface Temperature Land CoverLand Use Other observations Local/Regional Observations Weather Disease Surveillance Mosquito Surveillance Social FactorsDemographics Malaria Case Example
GEONETCast Americas Approximate Proposed Coverage Area Initial coverage ( ) Final coverage
The goal is to access the right information, in the right format, at the right time, for the right people to make the right decisions.